People were never short of ill words or looks toward her but all that was bullshit. She wasn’t anything like what they made her out to be and if anyone spent just five minutes with her they would see that.
They were all fucking idiots.
I clench my fists with the thought.Something just didn’t sit right with me about it all.
Why were so many people against her? Who was orchestrating all this aggression and isolation? And why?
I could read people better than most and I could tell she was genuine, and that she didn’t want anything from me and my brothers. That she might have evenenjoyedour company, even Annex’s.
A small smile stretches my lips with the thought of Annex.
He had been moaning all week about seeing his ‘little Red’. Even covered from head to toe in blood, he would grin like some maniac saying ‘She would probably enjoy this too’.
She would have to be as demented as him and the rest of us to be able to stomach our daily lives and darkness.
We all had demons.
Each and everyone of my brothers and I had our own special brand of dark. No one could manage even one of us, let alone all four.
A girl would have to have been made for us to be someone that could storm the darkness that surrounded us. Someone made by the Gods and Fate itself…a Mate.
A wistful smile stretches my lips. Was I still holding onto that hope? That one day I would find my own mate and the one being made for me?
I shake my head as a small sigh leaves my lips. It's just a young boy's dream; one told by their mother when they’re small and naive and believe in fairy tales and true love. I, out of everyone, should know better.
A fated mate was almost as impossible as bringing someone back from the dead or travelling through time. It was a miracle in and of itself. And those blessed were so far and few between with just a small handful in the supernatural world being gifted with one.
Who was I to think I would be blessed with such grace?
I turn the corner and head toward the music room.
I had heard some new unsavoury rumours had spread about Micai while we were gone. They had been slowly dying down with our presence before we left, but I guess in our absence the assholes spreading shit got bolder. Annex would want to go on a killing spree if he heard this bullshit.
Even I was getting pissed.
I would have to find the source of these rumours soon, and make whoever spread them unable to spew anymore bullshit.
What did Micai ever do to deserve such crap?
From the little time I had already spent with her over the past month, I could tell she was the complete opposite of what everyone believed.
If she had a problem, she wouldn’t bite you behind your back, she would call you out and face you head on and have some cute snappy retort to throw back at you for every one sentence you had for her.
She was a cute little pitbull alright. One with bright blue eyes and plump rosy lips that make you wanna lean in and see what they taste like.
I stop walking.
Did I just think that? I want Micai…likethat?
I shake my head, my brows pinching together.
I had never wanted to kiss any of the girls around me before. It was always them making the first move and me just going with it. But it had never crossed my mind to want to do it myself, not with anyone before anyway.
Micai…she was different.
I’m pulled from my thoughts with the sound of music…no avoice.
Someone was singing.