At first I thought she was just another groupie-type, wanting to brag about being bedded by one of us, or someone trying to use us to climb some social ladder. Another girl that would soon run like the rest, if she was in any way smart.
But she surprised me.
At the fight, she had snapped that pathetic excuse of a warlock's fingers, with no hesitation or remorse. She didn’t whine or ask us for help, handling it with a swiftness and brutality I’d not seen in a woman before.
A small chuckle leaves my lips with the memory. The asshole had been almost twice her size but she hadn’t hesitated for a second. Her small hand broke his fingers like she was snapping a twig. And all while wearing a dark expression I never expected to see on that small soft face.
I lost a little reason when I saw him trying to hit her and let my power loose. I even pushed the busty blonde who was a definite for the night away to maim the bastard. She had come in withus,and he thought he could touch her?
For disrespecting us in our domain, he left without the appendages he used against her, and would be a good example to anyone in the future who would try the same.
If Annex hadn’t intervened earlier, I would have drained the life from him right then and there. Maybe her seeing a bit of what's buried inside me would have been for the best, maybe she wouldn’t be so stubborn or even want to be around us anymore if I had.
And the sooner she left, the better.
It would happen eventually, either when she got what she wanted or when she realised what we really were.
I lean back in my seat, watching as students enter and leave the Cafeteria, their eyes only briefly glancing toward me before either blushing or turning away quickly.
I watch as Ezra and Annex enter and stand either side of Micai as she drools over the food she’s handed by the server. She acts like she was deprived of food…
My brows scrunch together before I shake the thought away.
She was from a prestigious family. Even if she lacked power or favour, she still carried the ‘Bane’ name.
My eyes trail down her small body. Her figure seems quite toned, even with the academy's uniform I could make out the dips and curves sitting in all the right places. She flicks her free hand out, slapping Annex’s fingers away from her food as he chuckles.
Was he really serious about this, about her?
I shake my head, a heavy sigh leaving my lips. He couldn’t be.
It wasAnnex. And the only thing he was serious about was blood and carnage. This was a phase. Something to pass time. He would realise it soon and everything would go back to how it was before.
I look outside the bay window near our table, and out toward the dormitories in the distance.
I still never found the person from the night of Morgan's attack.
Annex and Mallyn had scoured the forest every night for a week, with Ezra pulling every bit of information he could from everyone around him. But there was still nothing.
No-one saw or even heard anything that night. Like the guy didn’t even exist.
Mallyn makes his way over, taking a seat in his nownormalspot. Evenhecouldn’t get a trace on them, and his beast was…something else.
Morgan had also confirmed that they had actually helped her that night, but she couldn’t recall many details. She said it was too dark and to drop it, that they helped her and that's all that mattered. But I think she knew more than she was telling.
Even though I was grateful for them helping her, I still wanted answers.
And thisassassinor ‘ninja’ as Annex liked to say, must have some.
And what I want, I always get my hands on, one way or another.
Micai’s POV
I make my way past Annex and Ezra and toward my seat, ignoring Creed and his usual cold stare.And the distance Mallyn chose to sit from me.
I notice the pointed stares and whispers as I walk over. More and more people had been paying attention to me, even more than usual.
Were they reallythatjealous that I was spending time with their ‘Infernal Four’?