“So its okay for you to bring whoyouwant around, but I can’t bring who I wantbecause she’s not a plaything or quick fuck?”
Ezra tries to place a hand on Annex but he shrugs it off.
“What, ‘cause you fucked them a couple of times before so they became‘known’and are okay?” He takes a step closer to Creed. “Who are you kidding? You're pissed because she's not like your little whores who want your money or power. She's different. You can’t control her, you can't read her, and you can’t rein her in. Andthat'swhat bothers you, Creed.”
Creeds face hardens. “If she's a threat, in any way, Iwillkill her.” His eyes darken, his power pouring from him, emphasising its truth.
Annex shakes his head placing his bowie away, a sadness to his smile I’d not seen in a long time.
“She's different, and one day soon Brother, you’ll regret saying that.”
The words echo in my head, a loud growling noise falling from the beast inside me, an agreement of some sort from the monster under my skin with Annex’s words.
Just when Creed is about to open his mouth and argue again, a small shuffling sound from behind the gates pulls our attention.
We all stop, turning toward whatever was coming our way, when her scent hits me; a soft floral scent like wild flowers mixed with sweet vanilla, with a slight metallic undertone. It instantly tickles my nose and pulls my eyes straight toward her.
She’s clad in black jeans and an oversized grey hoodie. It’s pulled up over her head as she makes her way toward us, with a small soft lock of her hair falling from the hood's fabric as she moves closer.
Annex passes me and Creed, a large grin forming on his face before he quickly schools it.
“Little late, aren’t we Red?” He taps an invisible watch on his wrist.
“It's two minutes past ten, but I'm more surprised you can even tell time.” She raises her hands and gives him two thumbs up, “Good job.”
Ezra breaks out laughing and I try to school the chuckle wanting to leave my lips.
She's different alright.
Clearly she has no fear when it comes to Annex, and he's a straight up psychopath. One look or smile from him could literally have men three times her size pissing themselves.
“I love it when you flirt with me, Red.” Winks Annex and I almost choke. I’ve never seen that bastardwink.
“If sarcasm is flirting, I better be careful with my insults.”
Ezra’s brows cinch together as he stares at her, “Why?”
She points to Annex. “He’d probably think it's foreplay.”
Ezra and Annex chuckle, before he takes a step closer to Micai.
“We can skip the foreplay and head straight to–”
“Enough.” Barks Creed, who glares toward all of us. But he turns his coldest glare toward Micai, who meets his fierce gaze with her own.
“Let's go.” He grits out.
We head down to the small narrow road outside the academy's gates and to where our rides sit. Town was around ten miles out, so walking would take too long, and any reason to take my Ducati for a spin was good enough for me.
The feel of cold heavy metal beneath me with nothing in my way, even the beast fell silent as the world around me blurs, it was a feeling unlike any other. A feeling of being alive and truly free.
I throw my leg over the silver metal and flick the ignition key, my engine roaring to life as I hear Annex’s laughter ring out behind me.
He’s sitting on his own Ducati, having opted for a custom crimson red toward my ice silver tones. He pats the space behind him as he takes his seat.
“Hop on Red, and hold me tight.” His grin grows wider than the Cheshire cat’s.