Page 74 of The Blackened Blade

His leery eyes looked at me in the sleaziest of ways while he talked, like I was some object or piece of meat for amusement. And when he and his friend cornered me, telling me I should‘pay’ for what he had lost out on, they flipped a switch they shouldn’t have.

I decided to give him a piece of what he wasowed–my knee connecting with his balls.

The pained grunt and gasp for air that followed made it worth having the disgusting creep near me.Even though he deserved so much worse.

His friend deserved the same, but a broken nose would do for now.

If they hadn’t learnt their lesson to stay away from that, then I would have no problem teaching them more thoroughly a second time. But they won’t be walking away with just a broken nose or some badly bruised balls...or walking at all.

I find an empty spot at the top of the classroom.

Annex had taken to sitting near me during classes, which meant that any seat I chose, the rest of the students gave the space around me a wide berth.

I settle in, getting comfortable as class starts. Even with the little stairway hold-up, I was still on time.

Other students in the class sit in their usual little groups, usually consisting of one of two girls surrounded by six or seven guys, or sometimes even more.

I catch some of their whispers, mostly about certain people hooking up at the dance or how great it was, or so and so’s costume being ugly.

There was no mention of Adam, other than his lack of attendance. And nothing about anyone being hurt or assaulted this time either. Nobody even mentioned the beast or an attack of any sort. Its corpse had also disappeared the next morning with only a few black marks left in its place.

The teachers had put it down to students playing with flame magic and the excitement from the night, and nothing else was said or done.

The academy must have covered it up.

But if they weren’t bothered with looking into it more, then I would have to do it myself.

How had that beast gotten so close to the academy? We had barriers set in place, so it shouldn’t have been that easy, or at the very least the faculty should have been alerted of its presence. But there had been no-one there that night to help Morgan.

Also, why was it so intent on chasing her? There had been two passed out bodies in the forest if it wanted a quick meal, so why her?

Andwhyhad they been so weak? What had they taken or been given to become like that?

There were just too many unanswered questions, and the more time that passed, the more questions I had. Like the marks appearing on my body and my new strength and abilities. Or the bracelet Seria gave me that seems suspiciously like the shackles in the Facility. And now this beast that appeared on academy grounds, intent on attacking a student with no-one around from the Faculty to help. How–

My thoughts are interrupted when the door flings open and in walks Annex. He's wearing a smirk the devil himself would be proud of, with small flecks of dark red drops coating his face. The same red liquid drips from his fists as he saunters up the stairs toward me and plants himself in the empty seat next to me.

Mr. Finch clears his throat, breaking the silence the class had fallen into with his arrival. His eyes flicker once to Annex before quickly turning away. He continues the lesson, albeit a bit more shakily.

I try to remember my thoughts before being interrupted but feel a burning stare watching me from the side. I turn towards Annex.


His eyes slightly widen in mock surprise. “I didn’t say anything.”

“But you were staring–”

“And how would you know that?” He cuts me off, a small twinkle gleaming in his blue eyes as a mischievous look takes over his expression.

“I could feel your eyes on me.” I reply as a slow grin stretches his cheeks.

“You couldfeelit, could you?” A small hum falls from his lips. “Are you normally so conscious of others sitting beside you? Or is that reserved solely for me?”

“I’d say more vigilant or watchful. Because you never know when somemaniacis going to pull out a blade and start swinging it about.” I give him a deadpan look as his grin widens, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

He shakes his head before leaning in closer.

“Where have you been all this time, Red? Hidden under some rock or locked away in a cage? Almost three years in this shitty school and we only meet now? How the hell did I not know you before?” A strange soft look forms in his gaze. “Would’ve been more interesting with you around.”