Page 56 of The Blackened Blade

I see a small reflection in his eyes of all the broken and bent parts of me that I’ve tried to bury deep within myself. Years of pain and torture that I pushed into a deep hole within me, only using it to fuel my anger and force myself to continue moving forward. Trying to exist in a world where I’ve only ever been dealt the worst hand.

I shake my head, trying to pull myself from my spiralling thoughts.

This life was my second chance, and this time I wouldn’t suffer like before. Even Annex himself was proof I had already changed my future, because he was never a part of my past.

I gaze at the vibrant blue eyes watching me, something dark and unreadable forming in them before, he too, shakes himself free of it.

“Just live the way you want, Red. Whether you're the good guy or the bad guy in someone else's story, everyone becomes a villain at some point. It's only a difference in perspective.” He shrugs, leaning back in his chair and stretching his feet out in front of him.“Not that I don't deserve the fear or title,” he grins, “I do. And I embrace that shit fully. I own it. Being the unhinged one at times has its benefits.”

He stretches his arms out above him, sending all the students nearest us shaking and leaning in the opposite direction.

Why was everyone so afraid of him? What kind of reputation did he have?Other than being a bit crazy or deranged.

And why was I the exception?

Why did everything that came out of his mouth sound like he was comforting me? And why did I genuinely feel some sort of comfort from them?

His words from a moment ago replay in my head as I open my mouth.

“So who’sbad guyare you?”

Suddenly his heavenly look turns devilish, something wicked forming in his gaze as his eyes turn more intense. “Hopefully everyones.”

The bell rings around us, signalling the end of class, and pulling us from our own little world.

Everyone begins to shuffle out of the room as I shift away from Annex. But suddenly his hand darts out, grabbing me and pulling me down toward him.

“Always give more than you get, Red. If they knock you down once, get back up and bury them.” He gives me a wicked grin, pulling himself up and brushing against me as he passes me.

“I might even lend a hand. I enjoy a good bloodbath from time to time,” He passes Mr. Finch whose eyes widen and begin to shake.“I hear it's good for the skin.” He calls over his shoulder, chuckling as he exits the room.

I pull myself up straight as a slightly lighter feeling fills me. And then I still my movements, my brows furrowing with the strange feeling.

I look toward the now empty doorway.

It had been a long time since someone had tried to comfort me, let alone offer tohelpme.

I guess even if he was deranged, psychotic, or someone'sbad guy, he was at least better than all the others here.

Annex. A small grin stretches my lips. It still sounded like some kind of curse word to me.

But I guess it suited him.


Imake my way to my next class after Mr. Finch clears his throat loudly, his brow raised with an annoyed expression plastered on his face.A look I take great joy in creating on that man's face.

I head past the groups in the corridor and make it to the music room, anticipating more frustration and drama from the lesson.

Pushing the classroom door open, I make my way toward the fourth year seats in the room, and take my place in an empty space beside the window.

Looking out toward the yellow and red tones of the leaves falling from the trees outside, I remember back to the facility, when even a window would have been an impossible luxury.

The sound of a chair scraping off the grounds pulls my attention, drawing me toward the seat in front of me.

I’m met with two bright turquoise eyes that look as if they have small flecks of lilac running through them. Either I was seeing things or he was part Fae or Elf. Their appearance was always the most alluring and mesmerising in the supernatural community.

They curve upwards as a wavy brown and lilac strand tumbles down onto them.