Page 55 of The Blackened Blade

I shake my head as a small scoff leaves my lips. His name on the seat or even table wouldn’t stop me from sitting there.

I mean, what other options were there? To sit at someone else's table? And next to people that openly scowl and glare at me? I’d take my chances with this psycho, blade-happy…Annex.

“Annex.” The word rolls off my tongue in a small whisper, still sounding like some sort of curse or wiccan hex to me.

“Yes?” The light humourous timbre of his voice has me turning to meet his gaze again. There's a softer look in them as they trail from my lips to slowly meet my stare.

Suddenly he shifts forward, his face only a couple of inches from mine as he leans in.

“You’re really not scared, are you?” His gaze flickers back and forth, searching my eyes for something, “I can’t see even a lick of fear in you, Red. Not a drop. Why is that?”

My brows pinch together. Why would I be scared of him?

He pulls back slightly, his eyes never leaving mine as he continues his perusal of my face.

“Every pleb in this school turns tail when they see me, they know not to breathe in my direction, let alone look. Like they can almostsmellthe blood and death that surrounds me. Butyou…” His grin reappears, stretching his cheeks again, “You’re either completely stupid and blind, or you don’t care.”

Why would I care about what everyone else thinks of him? I knew to believe only by seeing something for myself. Lies were easy to make, and spread as quickly as the air itself. And with what they say and how they treat me here, I wouldn’t have listened anyway.

But how did I not know of Annex before, in my previous life? Even his name stands out, let alone how he looks. So how did I never see him, or hear anything about him?

A slight frown tugs at my lips as I become lost in my own thoughts.

But he continues to watch me, waiting for something and when I don't react, he smiles, a genuine one this time. One that lights up his whole face, changing his dark and murderous looks into something so bright and breath-taking, it pulls the air softly from my lungs.

He chuckles, “See.” He shakes his head, his grin widening. “You’re not one of the sheep here, Red. Maybe not quite a wolf yet either…but you’re still different.”

His blue eyes twinkle as he talks, a darker shade of blue swirling in them as I gaze almost as if in a trance. They flit to my lips before meeting my eyes again, something darker growing in them as a beat of silence passes between us.

Whispering from a few feet away pulls my attention back. Two girls flicker their gaze back and forth between me and Annex. Their brows knit together and lips are pinched as they watch us.

I feel movement beside me and the two girls flinch. They turn around quickly with a slight tremor to their shoulders as they sit with their gazes now glued to the front of the class.

“Seems like I’m not the only reason people don’t sit beside you.” He glances around to the empty seats near us.“They’re keeping their distance, and not just ‘cause of me. What did you do, Red? Kill one of the preppy bastard’s ponies or somethin’?”

I look around the room, watching the quick narrowed glances and glares aimed toward me before they hastily turn away, fearful of the person beside me.

“I guess I’m not the only one oblivious to the rumours–” I begin before he cuts me off.

“I don’t listen to shit like that, Red.” He shakes his head.“Petty gossip?” He scoffs. “I couldn’t give two fucks. The only thing that interests me is blood, blades and my brothers.”

His brows scrunch together as he glares at a group glancing our way before turning back toward me, the creases in his eyes relaxing a little.

“You're not like the other wimp’s here anyway, Red. They’re too afraid to move, to bleed, and to be free. They’re only worried about shitty names and what they can get. Where's the fun in living like that?” He leans in closer again, this time only a breath between us as he continues.“Sometimes freedom means being the bad guy. Sometimes you gotta embrace the darkness they create in you and make it your own. Don’t be consumed by the shit they throw at you or inflict. Instead, let the dark little soul in you break free and make ‘em all bleed.”

His eyes gloss over, the slightest of frowns pulling at his lips as a wistful look takes over his face for the briefest of moments.

“Words can hurt, wounds can fester, but even the most broken of bones can heal again, Red.”

Ah,and there it is. The reason I feel drawn to him and why I listen intently while he talks. Why, a part of me finds some slither of comfort in his company. Why,unlike all the others here,I feel no judgement, and maybe even some semblance of a connection.

Something pushed him beyond his limits,brokehim. And he pieced himself back together, cracks and all. He accepts it, welcomes it, and allows it to create a new him.

Someone that doesn’t break, that won’t fall easily, and will continue to get back up, grinning even when bloodied and beaten beyond repair.

I’m not sure what he's been through or what he's seen, but something tells me he went through hell just like me. And he survived it, creating the boy with these piercing blue eyes before me. The one that seems deranged and unhinged but shelters something a little lost or broken deeper inside.

My breath catches in my throat with the realisation that Annex reminds me of myself.