Page 131 of The Blackened Blade

“I’ve always got you brother.” Ezra places himself to my other side, wrapping a hand gently around my waist.

Annex straightens up, his arm reappearing around my shoulder as he gives Ezra a small knowing nod. They both look down at me, now sitting in between them.

“Let's get you back before you get eaten, Red.”

“Eaten?” My gaze flickers back and forth between them as they chuckle.

A heat creeps up my neck with their words; the thoughts of moments ago of their hands on me, their bodies pushing closer into mine and Annex’s lips…I shake my head and heated thoughts away as we leave the Roller-Room.

We head toward the bus stop, just as the last bus arrives. Ezra takes the seat beside me with Annex taking the one in front as I watch the scenery from the window.

There's a gentle and comfortable silence that sits between the three of us as I watch the town's shops fade into the distance. And then follow the winding grey roads that turn into dark green forest as we head back up toward the familiar grey bricks of the academy.

They walk me to my dorm, chatting and laughing playfully, and wait until they see my room’s light flicker on before leaving.

And as I lay down to sleep, a single thought crosses my mind…It was a much better birthday this time around.


It's been a week and a half since my little day trip with Annex and Ezra.

Gadriel had come to find me and see how I was the night after his Defence class, and when I wasn’t around he thought something bad had happened again.

The following morning he found me leaving the girls dorm, his expression filled with worry before quickly turning to relief at my appearance.

I told him I went into town because I had needed some time away from the academy. Thankfully, I think he understood because he didn’t push for more answers, only asking that I tell him next time so he doesn’t have to scour the forest for me.

After that, we spent every other night training together in the old training building.

We had moved from daggers and swords to spears, and after ten days, I think I mastered most of them.

Gadriel seemed impressed with my ability to grasp and master techniques and new skills so naturally.

But evenIwas surprised by my quick learning pace and adaptability.

Was this a new ability in itself, and connected to all my other new skills?

I know I have a good memory and have adapted quite well, but this…this was something else entirely.

I make my way through the academy corridors, which are now fully lined in decorations in preparation for the Winter Ball. The hallways are covered with large crystal snowflakes and icicles hanging from the ceiling. The windows shimmer with what looks to be some pearlescent magic; making the glass give the illusion of some opulent snow scene outside them. The walls were coated in hues of pearlescent whites and blues and matching the wintery snow theme. And large holographic-looking posters float neatly between the crystal decorations.‘Winter Ball’is spelt out with a magical shimmering countdown sitting at two days beneath it, with the wordsThis Fridaybelow that.

I pass the groups of students near the posters laughing and talking about their dresses and partners. One benefit for me with all this Winter Ball stuff happening was that everyone was too preoccupied with it to annoy me. In fact, they didn’t even look my way these days, and even gave me a wide berth in classesandthe cafeteria.

I also hadn’t been getting any hassle from the usual dickhead shifters and warlocks who liked to harass me. Apparently they hadn’t been showing up to their classes or been seen around the academy either.Not that I cared.

Annex and Ezra were back and kept me preoccupied most days. We ate together and hung out between classes, even Mallyn and Creed joined us to eat and talk. I guess whatever business they had that kept them away had been dealt with.

A couple of girls giggle across the classroom, lost in their conversation as I make my way in and take my seat. I usually enjoy and pay attention in the‘Dark Beasts and Creatures’class but Mr. Heinley was absent and it became self-study, allowing the rest of the students in the room to chat and giggle away about the upcoming ball.

A light blush creeps into the girl's cheeks as two boys chuckle beside her, one wrapping his arms around her as the other takes her hand. They were probably her dates for the ball.

The thought has my mind wandering to the guys. Were they going to the ball?

They hadn’t mentioned anything and I hadn’t seen them with anyone.

Did Ezra and Annex have dates, or would they go with the same girl? The thought has my stomach slightly twisting with the image of another girl between them…I shake my head. Why did it bother me so much? What even were we? Friends? Classmates?

I don’t know…but they weren’t mine. We weren’t together like that…So why did I care?