When they enter the bar, Sawyer says, “Really, Dawson?”


“Showing your cleavage?”

“Oh, come on. it’s not like you have scruples.”

He folds his arms. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“You knowexactlywhat that means.” Sawyer didn’t show up for me on the night I needed him most. He was supposed to be my escort for my debutante ball right after college graduation. It was a momentous day for me and my parents, and I couldn’t let them down. I stood outside and waited for him, but he never showed. It was mortifying when the son of my dad’s campaign manager had to step in as my escort.

Sawyer’s face puzzles. “Actually, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I don’t want to get into all that right now. I don’t feel like dredging up ancient history in the middle of the cold, so I simply say, “There were countless times where you did whatever it took to win. You didn’t care what it did to me or my feelings.”

He looks away, his eyes glazing over as regret flashes in them. “Yeah, I guess you’re right on that one. I did have a nasty competitive streak in me, but I always had scruples.”

Now that I think about it, he did… except that one time. Which wasn’t even about something competitive. But on that night, he probably got an offer for a real date and couldn’t resist. However, I’m done with this conversation, so I say, “Anyway, you did good today. You’re a natural at this, Sawyer.”

“Because I’m a slick salesperson?”

“No, because you genuinely care about the animals. People see that.”

“That’s it?”

“Yep, that’s it.”

He quirks a brow. “No insult in there?”

“Nope. I’m just impressed. Deal with it.” I manage a smile and my lips are so cold, it hurts. “Anyway, let’s call it a day. It’s almost dark, and I’m freezing and starving.”

He shivers. “Absolutely. Let’s go drop off the donation money, then get a nice dinner at Rutherford’s. My treat.”

“That sounds amazing.” Rutherford’s is the nicest restaurant in Cherry Creek, usually reserved for important days like birthdays and anniversaries.

Sawyer meets my gaze. “And you can talk to me about whatever it was that you just referred to. I need to know.”

I blow out a long sigh. I can’t believe he forgot about it. “All right.”

As we approach the doors of the shelter, Marlene, a volunteer, darts outside and over to us. “Sawyer, Dawson, we need your help. A pregnant stray was brought in, and there are complications with her labor. It’s late, and all our volunteers have left for the day. Sawyer, I know you’ve done this before because you used to volunteer, and the vet needs all the hands he can get.”


As we rushinto the Cherry Creek animal rescue center, I feel a shiver of nerves. I’m not exactly cut out for nursing sick animals or birthing puppies, but I have to help. Also, I can’t let myself get too attached to the animals—I have a way of doing that, and I’m not allowed to have pets in my apartment.

“You ready for this?” Sawyer asks under his breath.

“As ready as I’m going to be,” I mumble.

We walk through the center, and the place is empty. It’s just the animals in their crates for the night. I shoot Sawyer a scared look—gone is my wish to simply deliver the donation funds and play with the animals.

Marlene rushes us to the back. “The vet’s here doing an emergency C-section, and we’re gonna need your help getting the puppies through it. There are six, and we need all hands on deck to stimulate them as they’re born.”

I nod, my stomach clenching more. “We’ll help. Just tell us what to do.”

“Thank you.” She exhales in relief.

“Of course.” Sawyer nods.