His gaze follows my finger. “You sure?”

“Yes, thank you.” I really want to be alone, and I have zero interest in Dante.

As I walk back to Eleanor’s parent’s house, I can’t get past how all this made me feel. Why do I care that Sawyer’s staying late with Françoise? I mean, hereallyneeds the extra help, and I have to follow his lead. Plus, he’s just so dang irritating. That said, he also makes me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time. Maybe ever. Which is probably the reason that none of my dates go anywhere if I’m being real with myself.

But I have to push all that from my mind because it’s absolutely ridiculous.

It’sSawyer, my best friend’s twin brother, the obnoxious, always-there pest, and a person I only have to tolerate for four more days.


The next day,after our morning ballet practice, Sawyer and I head to downtown Cherry Creek. We’re ready to take on Eleanor’s next challenge, which sounds far easier than trying to perform in The Nutcracker Suite. But it’s not remotely fun.

When Sawyer got home last night, he told me the code, and we opened the tote to find Eleanor’s next message, along with a nested smaller storage tote with a padlock.

I was too proud, or maybe too scared to ask how the rest of his time with Françoise went. I know that means something about my growing feelings, but I’m not ready to deal with that yet. Maybe ever.

I pull at my green tights and look at the oncoming traffic, hoping no one recognizes me, although I know better. Of course they will.

“Eleanor went too far this time. For real.” Sawyer tugs at the crotch of his tights, which are even snugger than mine—and showing off every inch of his exquisite body. Sawyer looks good in just about anything, but not his green elf hat that’s red and white furry ball that hangs in front of his left eye.

I laugh before popping a stick of gum in my mouth, needing it to keep me occupied while I stand here doing nothing. “You know I don’t want to do thisat all. But seeing you in that outfit kind of makes it worth it. Can’t wait to hear what your cronies have to say.”

As if the universe hears me, a car slows down and pulls up. Barney, a high school classmate of ours, rolls down the window, and says, “Hey, Quinnzy, nice outfit. It looks like you’ve really gone downhill since your star quarterback days.”

The whole town knows Sawyer was headed for college football until an injury ended his career. But he’s really smart, so he went to Vanderbilt on scholarship with Eleanor and me.

“Very funny, Barney.” Sawyer approaches the window and wags his finger. “At least we’re out here trying to raise money for shelter animals and do something good for the planet. You should try it.”

Barney puffs his chest. “Hey. I’m doing the world good by just existing.”

Sawyer scoffs playfully. “You should consider sterilization.”

I have to hold back a chuckle at that one.

Barney roars in laughter. “And—Sawyer for the win. Hey, let’s grab a beer soon, okay?”

“You got it, Barn. I’m always up for a beer. Even if it’s with you.” Sawyer taps the hood of the car before stepping away.

Barney looks at me. “So, Dawson. You’re in town. Are you Sawyer’s flavor du jour for the holidays?”

“Come on, Barn, you know better than that,” I huff, indignant. “Just here helping raise money for shelter animals, too.”

“Well, if you’re not busy being a do-gooder later, come on by my house. Ma made her famous pecan pie.” He winks.

Oh, boy. “Thanks, Barn. But all this do-gooding is exhausting. I’m gonna hit the hay.”

“Right on.” Barney salutes us. “You both have a Merry Christmas.”

“You too.” I wave.

Barney rolls up the window and drives away.

I blink before looking at Sawyer and saying, “Let’s be grateful Barney J. Blecker doesn’t have any names that start with A.”

“Amen to that.” Sawyer scrubs his chin. “I can’t stop thinking about who it could be. Andy, Archer, Alan?”

My face puckers. “Nope, nope, and nope.”