Brandon crossed to his drawers on bare feet, removed socks then tugged the chair closer to her. Somehow he made doing the mundane exciting.

“As you can guess, I don’t get much company. If you keep showing up at my door, I’m going to have to get another chair.” He grinned. “And more socks.”

“A stuffed chair with tiny flowers like in a field. With a pillow. It would be really nice.”

He studied her a moment. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Brandon put an ankle on his knee. The man had nice long toes with a high arch. Strong feet. There was no getting around the fact she found him attractive.

“I’m sorry I can’t follow your lead and fix up a little bit. My clothes are in my car.”

His gaze started at her head and went down to her toes. Heat flashed through her at its intensity. “You look nice. Just the way you are. If you’d like to take a shower, now is a good time. The water is hot. Otherwise you’ll have to let it run a long time for it to heat up.”

She wasn’t sure she should. “Didn’t you say the shower was outside?”

“It is, but there’s a frame around it. With good warm water you’ll be comfortable. You might be surprised how much you enjoy it. Pretend you’re at a ski resort going into an outside hot tub.”

“I’ve never done that before.”

He grinned. “Then you’re up for an adventure. That’s only if you want to.”

Laurel debated the idea. She’d sweated getting to the cabin carrying everything. Then she’d helped cutting the Christmas tree. She wouldn’t have another chance at a bath until she got to her cousin’s. She probably could use one. “I’m up for an adventure.”

“Good to hear. Come this way and I’ll show you.” He led her through the bathroom and out a door attached that opened into the shower. Boards created the enclosure with knee-high sides. A rubber mat covered the floor. “Turn the water on, undress inside and hustle under the water.”

Laurel shook. What was she getting herself into? This city girl liked a good soak. “If you say so.”

“I’ll leave you to it.” He closed the door leading to the bathroom.

She might as well get started. Brandon was right. The water was hot. She stripped, took a deep breath, and ran to get under the water. The hot water flowing over her shoulders felt wonderful. While soaping up, she looked at the evening sky. The experience was intriguing.

What she wouldn’t do for a little red dress to wear for the evening. She looked over the top of the enclosure toward the woods and screamed.

Brandon was there before she could draw another breath.

“Lion.” She almost didn’t get the word out. “Mountain lion.”

He laughed. A full bodied one. “That’s Herbert.”

She didn’t take her eyes off the large tan and white animal watching them. “You know a lion?”

“Yes. He comes around regularly. We try to stay out of each other’s way.”

“Do…do you think he and I can have the same agreement?”

Brandon chuckled. “I believe you can.” He took her arm. “Maybe you should come in just in case he doesn’t agree.”

She took a step backward leaving the fall of the water. The cold air smacked her back to reality. She stood there in all her naked glory in front of Brandon.

A towel appeared in front of her face. She snatched it out of his hand, quickly covering herself. Daring a look at him, she found Brandon watching her.

His hot gaze met hers before he blinked then reached around her to turn off the water. “You better get inside before you freeze.” The words sounded forced from him. “Head for the fire. I’ll bring your clothes.”

She pulled the towel tighter around her and did as he said. Standing by the fire, she shook. The coolness of the air brushed her damp skin.

Brandon joined her. He dropped her clothes in his chair. “Get dressed, Laurel.”

Something about his gruff tone and bad-tempered attitude made her want to defy him. “What if I don’t want to?”