Oh, will the indignities never end? This wacky treasure hunt has been one embarrassment after another. I don’t see how Oliver isn’t on the next plane to Chicago with everything he’s been subjected to today. Apparently Cherry Creek is pulling out all the stops to showcase our eccentricities—and our obsession with other people’s love lives. Even the pretend ones.

I’m driving my car now instead of letting Oliver drive, but only because I wanted to escape from Mrs. A.’s house as quickly as possible. I haven’t opened the next clue, so I don’t actually know where I’m driving to.

The way Mrs. A. was handling Oliver like she wanted to eat him with a spoon was just…well, it was just…it was quite simplyrelatable, but that doesn’t make it any less inappropriate.

“I apologize for Mrs. Atchison and how she acted back there with you.”

Oliver chuckles. “Don’t apologize. She was sweet, and it’s nice to be appreciated. Even if it is just for my arms.”

I’m sure she was appreciating him for more than that. “You really do have nice arm muscles.” Did I really just say that out loud? I feel another killer blush suffuse my face and neck. If only my coloring didn’t give away myeverystray thought.

Ollie’s laugh sounds surprised. “Thanks. So do you. They seem to hold your arm bones together nicely.”

I laugh, too, shaking my head. “This has been such a weird day.”

“I know, and it’s barely started. Hey, by the way, where are we going?”

“Anywhere.” I slow the car as we pass the courthouse. “I just wanted to get away. I’ll pull over somewhere so we can look at the next clue.”

“I can read it.”

“Go for it. What have we got?”

Oliver opens the envelope and reads as I pull into the parking lot of the public library.

Hold me up, take me down.

I might be a ninja, or I might be a clown.

Oliver shakes his head. “This is the worst one yet. What’s that supposed to mean?”

I snap my fingers and start the car back up. “I know exactly what this one means. Ginny and I took the boys there last weekend when the ninja was fighting the clown. But they were both wearing Santa hats—it was a Christmas-themed bout. And they hugged at the end, because, you know, peace on Earth and goodwill toward men. And ninjas and clowns. Anyway, our next clue—or the book itself—is at the Cherry Creek Wrestling Entertainment school.”

Oliver laughs. “Cherry Creek has a wrestling entertainment school? Seriously?”

“We do. And it’s very popular. People come from all over to see their weekend shows. They’re very entertaining. That’s why it’s in the title.”

“I guess so. Good for Cherry Creek then.”

“I take it your parents haven’t attended a show yet?”

He shrugs. “If they have, they haven’t mentioned it.”

I put on the blinker to turn left. “They’d mention it.”

“Then I guess not. They probably don’t even know about it.”

“Well, you should take them some weekend. I think they’d really enjoy the show.”

He shifts in his seat. “Maybe you could take me.”

I shoot him a sidelong glance. His expression is smooth, even. This isn’t a casual comment. He’s genuinely waiting for my answer.

“I could do that. We’re old friends. Why wouldn’t I?” I don’t know why I feel the need to qualify my answer like that. Actually, I do know. It’s because Chicago and Cherry Creek aren’t next door. He’s leaving after Christmas. And when he’s gone, he’s gone.

He nods slowly and exhales. “Yes, we’re old friends. That should be fine.”

His words fall flat, and disappointment plunges in my gut. I don’t know what I wanted him to say, but something more than bland agreement would be nice. Even blanddisagreementwould be better.