His eyes widen in alarm. “Are we creating fake profiles for her on dating apps, or would you rather we go door to door?”

I laugh. “Neither. It’s a lot more complicated and clandestine than either of those.”

His smile falters. “So just what are we doing?”

I squeeze my hands together in preparation for my grand declaration. “We’re going afterthebook.”

His forehead furrows. “Thebook? What book? The Bible?”

“No, don’t be silly. The book Cherry Creek is famous for.”

He stares at me, obviously waiting for me to clue him in. I give him a minute to see if a memory will surface.

He shakes his head. “Amelia, I’ve been away for a long time. If Cherry Creek ended up being featured in some bestselling book, I must’ve missed it.”

I skewer him with a look. “You seriously don’t know what I’m talking about?”

“I really don’t.”

His expression is blank. I can’t believe he doesn’t remember. He was there in fifth grade when Ginny and I were making our plans for the book. “Youreallydon’t remember?” At his head shake, I clear my throat to tell the well-worn tale. “Many years ago, the director of Cherry Creek Academy wrote a Christmas fairy tale book. It was a love story, inspired by her parents’ own courtship. She fell in love and got married while writing the book at Christmastime. When the book was published, she moved on from the academy and gifted a copy to a dear friend who was a teacher there with an inscription saying she felt like the book had helped her find her own happily ever after and she wished the same for her friend. The really incredible thing is that her friend met and fell in love with the man she’d marry that next Christmas. After that, the book gained a reputation for helping people fall in love at Christmastime, and it’s been circulating ever since.”

A light of recognition comes into his eyes. “It sounds like that story you and Ginny made up in elementary school.”

“We didn’t make it up. It’s real. We found out about it then. It’s the book that helps a person find their true love.”

“Why? What’s the book say?”

“It’s not about what it says. It’s just like a talisman or something. It makes it happen. People think it does, anyway.”

“How does it work?”

I rest my arms on the table. We’re inches apart. I drop my voice. “Well, I don’t knowhowit works. It just does. Having the book in your possession at Christmastime will guide you to true love. Then the book moves on to someone else.”

“Is it supposed to have feet or something?”

I gape at him. “Oh my goodness. Don’t be ridiculous. It’s notalive. And before you ask, no, it isn’t magic either. It’s just a rumor. But it’s a rumor thathas always come true.” I sit back and let the impact of my words land.

“That’s…amazing.” He leans back in his chair.

“You don’t believe me.”

“Of course I believe you. I just don’t necessarily believe in the rumored powers of the book. It’s like winning big at a casino—the rumors only spread about the wins. But if you believe, I’m more than happy to believe with you and help.”

I can’t really picture how one would believewithsomeone something when they don’t actually believe it. It’s like saying you’re believingnearsomeone so that should count, but it’s not the same thing at all. Not that it matters. I’ll take his help whether he believes in the book or not. I need him, or this won’t work at all.

“Okay, well go ahead and believenearme. I appreciate your help.”

A thick eyebrow goes up. “How exactly am I helping now?”

“Well, the book makes a pretty random path through the population of Cherry Creek. Some people try to keep track of it in case they might want to find their true love one day at Christmas.”

His head pulls back. “And you’re one of these people?” I can’t tell if he’s interested or terrified.

I roll my eyes. As if I didn’t have enough to do. “Of course not. The last thing I need on my plate right now is true love.”

“Oh.” His full lips turn down into a thoughtful frown.

“Yeah. Besides not having the time, I’ve always thought I’d just find my other half on my own someday. Like fate. He’d show up exactly when I was ready—and not before.”