Scarlet shuffled through the snow. “I made a mistake. A huge mistake.”

His pulse double-timed. Did he dare believe she came to tell him she ended things with her boyfriend? Life wouldn’t be that easy. He closed his eyes and willed himself to be strong. She said it herself—she wanted a life beyond this town. “You should go.”

“I’m not going to marry Henry.”

Her words filled him with warmth. At least she wouldn’t be in a loveless marriage. That was something, but it would never be enough. “I can’t say I’m sorry to hear that, but it doesn’t change anything. You were right. I don’t belong in your world.”

“That’s not true.” She dropped to her knees in the soft snow. “You could belong anywhere. But I don’t want you to move to Atlanta.”

He ran a hand through his hair, his shoulders tight with apprehension. “Listen, I know we said some things and your aunt probably manipulated you into coming here to try to make up with me so we can continue to be friends, but it’s too late for that. We’re not teenagers. I don’t want or need you as a friend.”

Harsh, but honest.

“I see.” Scarlet eyed the bottle in his hand, and he realized why her face was tight with fear.

“I didn’t drink. Not that I didn’t think about it. This is the bottle I’ve held onto for ten years as a reminder of how I couldn’t afford to make stupid mistakes in life.”

She let out a soft exhale and smiled. “Everyone makes mistakes, especially when they’re teenagers. But I know what you were willing to do for me. You were giving up your dream to be with me.”

He smiled, if only a little. “You read my message.”

“I did.”

“Then you know why I can’t be your friend, because all these years I’ve been stuck waiting for you. Keeping you in my life, and that has kept me from living.” He turned away in fear that his tears would betray him again. He hadn’t cried like this since his mother died. Grief for the loss of the woman he loved weighed his heart down so heavy, he thought it would drop to his gut if he moved.

“Then we shouldn’t be friends.”.

Her words caused the night temperature to drop somewhere between cold and glacial. “Don’t.”

A soft touch pressed against his knee. A simple touch that provoked so many complicated emotions because he wanted more. “I’m sorry. I know you won’t believe me, and I don’t blame you. I’ve been horrible, but I’m telling you from my heart how sorry I am. I’m whole-heartedly, unequivocally sorry for hurting you.”

Her words drew him to reciprocate an apology, but he couldn’t because he’d have to feel something, and right now, he liked the numbness of not only his frost-nibbled fingers but his deadening emotions. “Doesn’t matter anymore.”

“But it does. You told me you loved me, and I didn’t answer.”

“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

She tugged his arm, but he wouldn’t look at her; he couldn’t because if he saw her full, red lips he wouldn’t be able to hold back. Didn’t she understand he’s a man despite how many years he held back his passion?

“I didn’t respond because I love you too much.” She shimmied closer and took his cheeks between her hands. “I’m scared because I lost you once and I couldn’t bear to lose you again. I used to drive by the farm slowly in hopes you would come out to see me. I came here every school break and every holiday for two years until I finally had to face that you would never be mine. That’s when I met Henry.”

His hands fisted, but he released them and stretched his fingers. “I should’ve told you the truth at Christmas, but I didn’t. I missed you so much that I couldn’t face this tree anymore, so I abandoned our spot. Heck, I couldn’t even have a Christmas tree in the house because it would remind me of you.”

“I’m so, so, so sorry, Duke.”

A car passed by, but she didn’t pull away. Instead, she raised up on her knees to be at his level. “If you’ll give me another chance, I’ll spend the rest of my days making it up to you.”

“What about your job in Atlanta?” He dared to ask, knowing he had to have all the facts before he could ever consider opening his heart to her again.

“I’ve enjoyed helping you with your proposals. I’ll work to help other small businesses or startups. For the first time, I’ll do something I enjoy instead of what I think is safe.”

After all these years, it couldn’t be possible. It had to be some fairytale or crazy dream. But her lips pressed to his in a tentative yet heated kiss.

He pulled back and looked at her tree-green eyes to see the truth. And he saw it. Her love. The way she looked at him with soft eyes showed how she felt. “I didn’t think miracles were possible.”

The End

If you’d like to see Scarlet and Duke again, and you want to know more about the handsome hermit, Ramen Johnson, check out “Once Upon a Christmas Legend” (A Beauty and the Beast retelling) by clicking here!