Tears streamed down Scarlet’s cheeks. She choked and gasped. A river of emotions rushed through her. He would give up his top university, most prestigious pick, to be with her?

“No. No. No.” She held the book to her chest and shook with rage. He had no right to give this to her now. Everything was settled and organized. The life ahead was certain and right not full of possible disasters, but this… This changed everything.

Her head spun, her eyes stung. All these years, she’d wanted to know why he left her. He tried to tell her, but she didn’t want to hear it. But this. He didn’t leave her because he didn’t want her. He left because he wanted more for her.

That’s not my mother.

She let out a strangled cry, but how could she trust this… this legendary love? A love that could bring disappointment and disaster.

Is this how her mother felt each time she saw a letter from her? Had she loved Scarlet enough not to want to face opening one?

Scarlet stood and paced until she found herself in the living room facing Aunt Laura.

“So, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.” Scarlet plopped down next to Aunt Laura on the couch, willing her to make the pain go away, but that wasn’t her job anymore.

“Do you love him?”

The last twenty years of her life flashed. Swimming in the lake, hiking the trails, reading by their tree, climbing, falling, kisses to her cut. A rush of emotions stole her breath. She clutched her chest trying to breathe. “Yes.”

“Then go tell him.”

“What about Henry? Shouldn’t I text him or call him or something?”

“I think he made his point clear. Be home by the 25thor don’t return. Which do you want to do?”

“I know you’re right.” She choked back the sobs, but she knew Henry never loved her and she never loved him. They were a business arrangement, a team, but never marriage material. It was safe but unfulfilling.

“No matter what, it’s over with Henry. It’s been over for a long time. If it ever even began.” She shook her head. “But I told Duke I never wanted to see him again. I was awful, accusatory, mean. I hurt him profoundly. I accused him of being his father.”

“And he hurt you. But when are you both going to get past your pain and open your hearts to greatness? Take a chance. Go tell him. Go to the farm and tell him everything. Go tell him you love him.”

Scarlet let out a knowing chuckle. “He won’t be at the farm.”

Aunt Laura smiled. “Wherever he is, go to him. He’s waiting for you even if he doesn’t know it himself. Get to him before he does something stupid over a broken heart.”

Scarlet stepped to the stairs. “What if he won’t listen?”

Aunt Laura flung Scarlet’s scarf around her neck. “Then make him listen.” She grabbed snow boots from the hall closet and tossed them on the floor in front of Scarlet.

She plunged her feet in and tightened the laces.

Aunt Laura kissed Scarlet’s cheek. “It’s time to heal, Scarlet.”

She ran down the stairs and out the door. Snow came down in crystal puffs. The aroma of fresh roasted nuts wafted in the air from some nearby festive gathering. With arms pumping, Scarlet made it across the street, down the road, slipping and sliding with each step from ice forming in roadside pockets.

Duke’s old red truck, parked at the trailhead, shone like Rudolph’s nose in whiteout conditions. She followed it to the path to their secret spot. She trudged through the snow, feeling his presence before she saw him. The hair on the back of her neck stood at attention. She prepared herself to beg his forgiveness.

Her stumble down the embankment, splashing into the water's edge, garnered his attention. But he didn’t run to her.

He sat in the snow—on a blanket surrounded by candles and lanterns in some romantic scene—hovering over a brown bottle, a brown beer bottle in his hands.



“What are you doing here?”Duke dragged his gaze to the sky, but he didn’t dare wish on any shooting stars.