“It’s good to be home, sir.” Yes, home. This was his home.

It was slow-going as he backed the truck down the slick gravel drive, now covered in slushy snow and ice. Just as Seth managed to get back on the main road, he heard a loud crack and a splintering sound.


I was relievedthat Seth was out in the weather with Daddy. Lately, I worried that Daddy too often took on jobs of much younger men in service of his neighbors. He didn’t realize he was just as old as those he helped in the community.

The diner was cozy and fully decorated, thanks to my little staff of dedicated servers and Roger, our cook. But the weather was awful outside, and I tried not to worry about Daddy and Seth. They’d only been gone about an hour and a half, but I doubted I could relax until they were both back here, safe and sound.

This weather was beautiful but could be deadly in the wrong circumstances.

My phone buzzed, signaling a call. The screen read, Cherry Creek Medical Center. I answered immediately. “Hello?”

“Kayla, this is Jenny from the hospital. Your daddy and Seth Jacobs were in an accident.”

My heart stopped beating for a second. “Are they—alright?” my voice hitched on a sob.

“Your daddy’s okay—just some cuts and bruises. But we aren’t sure about Seth. A tree fell on top of the truck on the driver’s side. He needs surgery and has you listed as his emergency contact. We need you to come and sign some forms ASAP.”

“I’m on my way.” Relief that Daddy was okay warred with paralyzing fear for Seth. I barely remember pulling my heavy coat and boots on before I ran outside into the snow, across the town square, past the giant Christmas tree, and straight to the hospital’s emergency department.

I stepped up to the desk where Jenny sat at her computer. She looked up and immediately stood, handing me a clipboard. “Here. Sign these.”

I hardly read a word, knowing that Seth’s surgery was delayed until I’d signed them. Jenny grabbed the clipboard the minute I’d finished. “Let me get these back there to surgery, then I’ll come, and we can talk.”

I turned from the desk, noticing the waiting room was nearly full. I recognized many of the folks waiting for treatment. A few were coughing. Two had sprained or broken an ankle or foot, and several more held ice packs to their heads or other extremities. I sat down in the nearest chair, waiting for Jenny to return. Bearing witness to all these injured people brought home the fact that Seth was in real jeopardy.

I pressed a hand to my heart. Hehadto be okay. I’d pushed him away and refused to listen. Now, I only wanted to see his crooked grin and hear everything in his heart. What if I never got the chance?

Jenny came around the desk toward me, and I stood. “Okay, let’s go into the empty triage room to talk.” She pointed to a closed door beside the big desk.

I nodded. “Thanks, Jenny.”

She indicated a small chair next to an exam table for me to sit, and then she sat across from me on a rolling stool. “Here’s what we know: Seth’s got a head injury from one of the large tree branches coming through the window, and he’s unconscious. A large cut on his head needs stitching, but they won’t know how traumatic his brain injury is until they figure out how much swelling there is. The plan is to stop the bleeding and relieve any pressure with surgery.”

“Brain surgery?” I croaked the words.

“Yes. I know it’s scary, but he’s getting the best possible care.”

“Do we even have a brain surgeon in Cherry Creek?”

Jenny nodded. “Last year, we hired a neurologist who lives about thirty minutes away. Luckily, he was already here treating a seizure patient.”

“Where’s Daddy?”

“He’s resting in a treatment room. He’ll be super sore tomorrow, but otherwise, he’s okay. Would you like to see him now?”

“Yes. Please.” Once Jenny had told me that Daddy was okay, seeing him hadn’t felt as urgent. Now that I knew Seth’s condition—or kind of knew it—I wanted only to see my daddy.

Jenny led me into a hallway from the triage room. She knocked on the door, and I heard Daddy say, “Come in.”

He lay there on the narrow bed, a bandage on his head and right arm in a sling. “Hi, Baby.”

I ran over to his side and gently hugged him. “I was so worried about you.”

“How’s Seth?” he asked, concern in his gaze.

“I don’t know yet. He’s heading into surgery now.” I tried to keep my voice from breaking, but my lip quivered.