“Thanks.” Normally, I would’ve used a small rolling cart and walked to the Market, but since I had a lot to buy today, I would need a vehicle. Plus, Daddy’s house was farther from the store than my apartment.

I had a cute little red hybrid my parents had bought for me to go to college, but then Momma got sick, and we’d used it mostly for her doctors’ appointments and the rare occasion that I went someplace. I seldom needed a car here in Cherry Creek, so it had extremely low mileage and was still in mint condition. We mostly used Daddy’s old blue pickup to haul things here and there.

I adjusted the seat and drove the few blocks through town to The Market at the end of First Street next door to city hall. As I parked, I noticed Milton Davies headed my way from the police station. Milton was Cherry Creek’s only detective, and we sometimes dated casually. Much more casually on my end than his, unfortunately. Milton’d had a crush on me since high school, and I think he’d been secretly thrilled when Seth left town after graduation. A decade later, he was unmarried and still wanted to date me.

As I climbed from the truck, Milton put out a hand to assist. I accepted his help because it was a kind gesture. “Hi there, Kayla. Heading to The Market?”

I ignored the obviousness of his question and smiled. Milton was a nice-looking guy. He still had a full head of hair and was in good physical shape. “Yes. I’m shopping for Thanksgiving dinner.”

“You and everybody else. Been busy since they opened the doors this morning.” He inclined his head toward the store.

“Daddy’s minding the diner, so I’ve got a little time.”

“Would you like to grab a coffee later?” he asked.

“Oh, sorry. I plan to run the groceries to Daddy’s house, and then it’s back to work.” I hoped my expression conveyed disappointment.

“I’d love to get together soon. It’s been a while since we’ve gone out.”

“Yes, I know it has.” I had to remind myself that I didn’t owe him my time. I was naturally a pleaser, which was probably why I hadn’t told him I wasn’t very interested in him.

“Let me know if you need help loading up after you’re done.”

I nodded, feeling guilty about leading him on so as not to crush his feelings. “Thanks, Milton.”

* * *

Milton was right about the crowd. The Market (aptly named) was the only grocery store in town, supplying residents with almost anything they might need. There was a Walmart about ten miles from Cherry Creek, but The Market was locally owned and had excellent meats, fish, and produce, though we usually bought our fresh produce from Trenton Farms just outside of town when it was in season. Their cherries, strawberries, and peaches were the absolute best.

As I rounded the endcap, heading toward the meat department with a couple of huge turkeys in my sights, a woman nearly jumped out in front of me, pretty much blocking my cart. “Hey there, Kayla. Long time no see. I heard that Seth was back in town. Have you seen him yet?”

Georgia Green’s big blinky brown eyes were glued on my expression as she waited with bated breath for the town’s juiciest gossip. I barely refrained from rolling my eyes at her. Tapping into my patience, I measured my words. “Hi, Georgia. Yes, his company is renovating Cherry Creek Academy.”

“Are you excited? I mean, you’re both single, right?” Georgia had been the town’s biggest gossip since kindergarten. She was a badger in that she never gave up. She was also a mean girl who’d never truly been put in her place. Not sure what her place was, but most people didn’t wish to be on the receiving end of her malice. It wasn’t worth the fallout she created for those who crossed her.

“I don’t know if Seth is single, but it was nice to see him.”

“I’ll bet that brings back all kinds of memories for you, you poor girl.” Her tone was syrup and honey. Her intentions were more like battery acid and hot sauce directly to the eyeballs.

“Sorry, Georgia, I need to pick up my turkeys. I’ve got to get back to work.” I smiled when I said it, so she couldn’t accuse me of being rude.

“I wouldn’t want to keep you from your hair net and french fries. Tootles.” The woman’s rudeness was interminable. One of these days, somebody would take her down a peg, but it wouldn’t be me today.

I shook it off and rolled my basket toward the vast, refrigerated container that held what looked to be a hundred turkeys. I decided two would be a safe bet since we never knew how many people would show up on Thursday. If our numbers were smaller than expected, I could serve turkey-cranberry sandwiches as the lunch special at the diner on Friday.

We ordered weekly from a restaurant supply but tried to use as many local businesses as possible to source the diner. I smiled and nodded a greeting to pretty much everyone in the place since I’d known most of them my entire life—or thereabouts—and many were customers at the Cordial Diner as well.

I chose fresh cranberries, sweet potatoes, and green beans for the casseroles I made from scratch. I’d decided on a giant banana pudding for dessert, so I grabbed several bunches of barely ripe bananas. By the time Thursday arrived, they would be perfect for banana pudding. I’d ordered extra frozen yeast rolls with my order for the diner in anticipation of Thanksgiving. My cart was full when I checked out with Miss Joanne, the owner.

“Wow, honey. You’ve got quite a load here. I love how you make Thanksgiving special every year for folks without family.”

I smiled. “Thanks. Let me know if you hear of anyone in need on Thanksgiving. We will deliver if necessary.” On regular days, we provided our leftovers to the local shelter. And if anyone was hungry and without means, we’d kept some pantry staples just inside the diner’s rear exit. So far, nobody had abused the situation, so it remained a quiet way to help those in need.

“Will do.” I knew that Miss Joanne also helped feed the food-insecure folks in town. It wasn’t generally discussed, but I admired her for it.

I stepped out of the store and almost mowed Seth down. “Oh, hey.”

He wore faded jeans, a gray UT sweatshirt, and running shoes. “Looks like you’re feeding an army. Still hosting everyone for Thanksgiving dinner?”