Amelia has the book now. Technically, our fake engagement is ended. But that kiss by the kissing tree means we’re something now, even if that something is new and undefined.

When we get to Amelia’s house—which is, of course, also Felicity’s house—a scared look comes into Amelia’s eyes. “I really hope this works.”

“It’s supposed to, right?”


“And Sadie wouldn’t have felt so threatened by it if it didn’t.”


I send her a bolstering smile. “So you’ve got this.”

She smiles back at me, and a little fishhook in my heart gives a tug.

“Thanks for all your help, Ollie.”

“Of course. I can honestly say I wouldn’t have wanted you to do this treasure hunt with any other guy.” There was far too much kissing.

“Me neither.” She uses her key and opens her front door. I hesitate at the threshold behind her.

“Come in,” she says. “You’ve got to see the payoff.” She waves the book in the air. “This is our triumphant return.”



The decorative wreath bangs against the door as I let Ollie into the house behind me. “Felicity!” I call. I shut the door against the cold and tuck the book behind my back like the surprise it is.

“Hey! What’s up?” She jogs into the living room and skids to a stop when she sees Oliver’s with me. Her smile grows. “Well, hello, you two. Been out having fun?”

“We certainly have.” I beam at Ollie and don’t even blush. I’ve been having a ton of fun with him, and I don’t care who knows it. As long as he does. “And I have an early Christmas present for you. I didn’t wrap it because I wanted to put it in your possession right away. It’s probably the best gift you’ve ever gotten or ever will get in your entire life. I hope. Or maybe it’ll do nothing. We don’t actually know.”

Felicity glances from me to Oliver and back again. I can almost see her expectations amping up. “Okay. Wow. Lay it on me.”

I squeal and hand her the book.

She stares down at it. “It’s a book.”

I’m so excited for my sister I barely register her lack of enthusiasm. “It’s not any old book.”

“Itisan old book.”

I jostle her arm. “But notjustany old book. It’sthebook.”

She holds the cover up to her face like she may have missed something. “The Bible? It doesn’t look like the Bible. It’s too skinny.”

“No.” I glance at Oliver. He’d thoughtthebook would be the Bible too. “I have to say I’m disappointed in you, sis. That right there, in your very hands, is the most famous, most beloved book in all of Cherry Creek.”

She’s flipping through the pages, frowning, as I wait through the silent drumroll in my head. I add a mental trumpet flourish too.

“That is the legendary bookOnce Upon a Christmas Kiss,” I announce.

She looks up. “And?”

“And it’s the book that makes everyone who has it in their possession at Christmastime find their true love.”

Felicity drops the book.