I follow her to the front steps, but Mrs. Atchison opens the door before we get there.

Her smile stretches wide. “Amelia Taylor! And her loving beau. Sadie told me all about you two, kissing like a house afire on her front step.”

I wonder at the speed at which that info exchange would’ve had to happen. Gossip is faster than the Wi-Fi in this town.

Amelia blushes bright red, and I resist the urge to pump my fist in the air. Apparently I’m not the only one who thought that was the hottest kiss in human history. I just hope Amelia’s rosiness isn’t only embarrassment. Or regret.

I mean, I know she can’t have felt what I did. For her, it wasn’t the culmination of a ten-year-long crush, but she kissed me back. I want to think she liked it too. And that little bit of unbalance following the kiss gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, she felt a little something for me.

It certainly felt like she did. I smile just thinking about it.

Mrs. A. laughs, looking right at me. “He’s really smitten, isn’t he?” She steps out of her house and comes closer. “Tell me. Are you Clark Kent, or are you Superman?”

“Excuse me?” I don’t get the non sequitur. I look around, but I don’t see Superman decorations on her lawn.

Amelia clears her throat, her face as scarlet as it was a moment ago. “Mrs. A., I’m sorry. We’re kind of in a hurry. We solved this clue in Mrs. Foster’s treasure hunt for the book, and we think you’re it.” She holds the white envelope out as proof.

Mrs. A. laughs again. “Yes, I am. Although I wasn’t lying to you on the phone earlier about not having the book. You’re right that I do have the next clue.”

She scurries back inside and returns a moment later with another white envelope. She strolls past Amelia without looking at her and places it directly in my hand instead.

“Thank you,” I tell Mrs. A.

She smiles. “Any time.” She pats my upper arm. “Oh,” she says in a low voice, curling her hand around my bicep and squeezing. “You do have some nice, solid muscles there, don’t you?”

“Mrs. Atchison!” Amelia’s voice squeaks. She stalks over and physically pulls me out of Mrs. A.’s grasp by my other arm. “Oliver and I have to go. Thank you for your help.”

Mrs. Atchison crosses her arms. “Amelia Taylor. Don’t you dare leave here and pretend you don’t remember what you agreed to do.”

Amelia freezes in place with a guilty look. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Mrs. A. I haven’t spoken to Mr. Bourne yet.”

“What’s the holdup?”

Amelia takes a deep breath. I can see the moment when she decides to be open about her fears. The corners of her eyes unpinch, and the furrow on her brow smooths. “I really, really need my job. It’s important that I take care of my family and don’t do anything to jeopardize it. My family is the most important thing to me. That’s why I want the book. I want to give it to my sister Felicity so she can get over Mark and get on with her life. I’m sorry. Principal Bourne is new, and I don’t know him well enough to know how he’d take being set up. And he’s my boss. I don’t want to risk the stability of my job if something between you and Mr. Bourne doesn’t work out.”

“Love is always worth the risk,” she says then holds up a hand. “I mean when you’re going after love for yourself. For me? Well, I’m sorry I put you in that position. I’m letting you off the hook. I’ll find a way to introduce myself to Mr. Bourne, and you can bet your behind it’ll be memorable.”

Amelia cracks a smile. “I’m sure it will be. But I think I can still help a little.”

Mrs. A. raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“What if you made one of your wonderful pecan pies for the PTA bake sale? You’d be there…he’d be there…it’d be natural for me to introduce the two of you.”

The older woman beams. “Now that sounds like a plan!” She rubs her hands together. “Okay run along, you two, and go get that book for Felicity. She needs that thing more than anyone I’ve ever known. And Amelia?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

“You take care of that Superman of yours, okay?”

Amelia’s face blushes crimson this time, and she sneaks a sidelong glance at me. “Yes, ma’am,” she says again. “I will.”

My mouth goes dry, and I bite down on a smile.

Amelia just agreed that I’m hers.

