“Liza …”

“What? He asked you to dinner.”

“With his pawpaw. It’s not a date.”

“Maybe it’s a pre-date. A getting to know you session without all the pressure.”

“He lives in Nashville.”

Liza shrugged her shoulders and flashed an incredulous grin. “It’s a few hours away. And we live in a digital society.”

“What are you suggesting? That we virtually date, like Gram and Mr. Fellows?”

“Maybe. At least Louise is getting some action.”

Erin was going to have to bleach the images floating through her brain. “Ugh. Can we please focus on the party? I have actual work to do.”

“Fine. I want to run into town and get a manicure at the Cut ’n Curl.” She grabbed Erin’s hand and stared at her nails. “You might do the same before your date.”

“It’snota date.”

“Whatever. Be your own worst enemy if you want.”

Erin glanced at her short nails. She spent too much time on the computer to make a fuss. “If he doesn’t like me because of my nails, he’s not worth my time.”

“Ah ha!” Liza howled. “I knew you were interested.”

“That was not an admission. I was simply saying tha—”

“Honey, since when is being attracted to a handsome young man a crime? He’s hot and appears to be financially stable. Those kinds of guys don’t grow on trees—certainly not Cherry Creek trees. I say go for it. What have you got to lose?”

Liza was right. It had been too long since Erin had put any effort into finding a mate. As much as she loved living in CCR, she’d never end up with the life she’d envisioned by isolating herself with an older crowd. “Nothing, I suppose. But can we stop talking about this, please? You’re going to make me nervous.”

Liza mimed twisting a key at her lips. “Conversation over. Now,”—she rubbed her hands together—“what are we going to do about this party? The junk we have here just won’t do. We have to go shopping.”

“With what funds? Darlene controls the account.”

“We’ll hit the Five & Dime. It won’t take much to liven this place up.”

The holidays were a slow time for Erin’s business. Even a trip to the Five & Dime could put her on shaky ground. “I don’t know. I’m on a super tight budget.” She scowled at the boxes of broken and useless items and came up with an idea. “With Gram out of town, other than the tree and a wreath I hung on the door, I haven’t put out any of her Christmas decorations. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if we used some of hers.”

“What does she have?”

“Garland and lights, a whole Christmas village, and tons of ribbon. I’ll call her to make sure, but I don’t think she’ll mind.”

Liza’s eyes sparkled. “You know what, doesn’t CCR have a crafting club?”

“I think so, but I’m not sure who’s in charge.”

“One of the groupies will know. Let’s give them a job—make it a contest—and all we’ll have to do is sit back and watch.”

Erin grinned at Liza’s intoxicating zeal. “You’re really good at problem solving.”

“I spent my life in community theater. It’s more than acting. It’s fundraising and finding the best way to get the most bang for your buck.”

“That’s it,” Erin said. “I’m appointing you to the committee.”

Liza looked down her nose at Erin. “You can’t afford me.”