She smiled at him. “He’s okay.”

“I might lose my vision.” He pointed to his covered eye.

Kayla smiled sadly. “Better your vision than your life. I can handle you with a sexy scar.”

“Can you handle me staying here in Cherry Creek?”

Her eyes widened. “You mean, you want to live here permanently?”

He nodded and then winced from the pain of it. “I don’t want to pressure you, but since I’ve been back, I realized this is my home. This town and its people. I’m content here—even if we can’t make things work between us. Are you okay with that?”

“Okay? I thought I would lose you and our last chance at being together. I love you, Seth. I always have.”

Her words flowed into his heart and healed him in that instant. Seth stroked her hand, looking at her through his good eye. “I’ve never stopped loving you, Kayla Doyle.” She leaned down and kissed his lips. He laughed weakly. “This isn’t how I pictured it, you know?”

She laughed, tears in her eyes. “I don’t need perfect. I just need you.”


I couldn’t believeit was already Christmas Eve as we gathered around Daddy’s Christmas tree, the colored lights casting a warm glow. The snow had hung around, making this white Christmas a magical one.

Seth had seen a retina specialist last week and had gotten promising news. He was starting to see light and shadows with his right eye. It would take some time for things to improve, unfortunately. So, for now, he was stuck with a healing eye patch. He had a dark red, jagged scar from the top of his head across his eye to his cheek.

“Are you ready?” Seth asked, his gaze filled with such contentment. It made me sigh with happiness.

I took his hand, and we took our seats for the annual gift swap. Every year we drew names with our employees and friends. The rule was to buy or make one gift for the recipient whose name you drew and to donate another to the Cherry Creek Community Center. It was a lovely tradition, and I looked forward to it every year.

When it was Seth’s turn, he grinned. “So, I haven’t had a chance to do much shopping.”

“So, whose name did you get?” I asked.


“What a coincidence.” I eyed him a little skeptically.

“Okay, maybe I did a little switching around, but nobody seemed to mind.” He grinned at me as he dropped onto one knee and pulled a tiny box from his pocket. “Your dad was kind enough to help me out.”

“Seth?” Despite his recent scars and injuries, I searched his gaze, loving him with all my heart.

“Since I couldn’t return to Knoxville and get the one I’d bought for you years ago, Mr. Doyle assured me you wouldn’t mind.” He opened the lip to the red velvet box, and my heart nearly exploded with emotion and love. “Kayla Doyle, will you marry me? Finally?” His voice quivered a little as he said the words.

I stared down at my mother’s wedding ring, trying to control my tears while allowing the moment's joy to settle into my soul. I stared into Seth’s one good eye. “Yes, I will marry you—finally.”

Seth slipped the diamond solitaire onto my finger, and I slid into his arms. The group burst into cheers and congratulations. I found Daddy’s gaze. He looked so happy, yet I knew how hard this must be for him. I was his little girl.

Daddy picked up a glass from the table, where he’d filled flutes with Champagne in anticipation of this moment. “A toast, everyone. Gather ’round and grab a glass.”

“To my precious daughter and her true love. May the two of you share the kind of love I had with your mom.”

“Here, here.” I heard voices in the background echo Daddy’s sentiment, but I was so immersed in my feelings, the sound was muffled. I felt Momma’s presence then—her joy that matched mine.

Seth handed me a flute of Champagne. “This was my Christmas wish.”

“Mine too.” I lifted my lips to his. He was my home, my love, and my forever Christmas wish.

I had a revelation as I thought about the book sitting on my bedside table. Once Upon a Christmas Kiss. I was a believer, for sure.

I could feel the magic.