Page 6 of Pushing Limits

“Did you just bite me?” I giggle as he lands me on my feet beside his truck, sandwiching me between him and the side gate with his body while he opens the door.

“Did ya take somethin’ back there?” He snatches my jaw in his hands and maneuvers my head in all directions while he checks me over, then he stares deep into my eyes as if he’s looking for something.

“Did you just bite me?” I ask him again, the words feeling like a real effort to get out.

“Yes, I fuckin’ bit ya, now tell me what you’ve taken.” He sounds real pissed at me. I should be the one who’s pissed, he just dragged me away from having some fun. But instead, I feel a giddy kinda happy.

“Why?” I ignore his question and giggle some more.

“I… I don’t know, I’m angry, frustrated. I…”

“I liked it,” I admit, screwing up my nose and hoping it looks as suggestive as I mean it to. It’s hard to tell his reaction now that I have to keep one eye closed to focus properly.

“Savannah, this is serious, I need to know what you’ve taken so I can go back in there and beat the shit outta Noah for lettin’ ya take it.”

“I haven’t taken anything, I drank a little, I smoked a little.” I throw my arms up, wondering what his deal is. All the bunkhouse boys smoke weed.

“Smoked what? Pot?” He pushes me for more.

“Yes, pot.” I feel my head slump forward and realize he isn’t holding it anymore.

“I’m gonna go in there and—”

“Don’t.” I make a real lame effort to grab his arm. “Stay with me, take me home,” I beg.

Now that the air is hitting me I think I need to get back. I’m surprised when Cole actually stops and turns around. He doesn’t throw my hand away like I expect him to. Instead, he nods his head back at me and lifts me up into his arms in a much more gentlemanly fashion so he can put me in his truck.

“Why you always so mean to me?” I hear the words spill from my mouth like someone else is speaking them, and Cole just ignores me as he drives toward home, keeping his eyes focused on the road ahead. “You're always so grumpy and rude.” The words just keep on coming.

“How about you sleep for the rest of the ride?” he suggests.

“I don’t wanna sleep.” I shake my head in protest, realizing that somewhere along the journey I’ve leaned over and rested it on his shoulder. “I want an explicenation… a expel… nation.” I think I got it right.

“I don’t owe ya a damn thing,” he growls back at me, and I feel the tension in his body because I’m lulled against it.

“That's not true. You kissed me, Cole. A man doesn’t kiss a girl like that unless he means it.” Cole, once again, ignores me but this time I don’t care. I let myself drift off to sleep, with his scent of leather and tobacco and the fact I know I’m right, comforting me.

She barely stirs when I drag her out the truck and carry her onto the porch. Her head is flung back over my arm and her body is a dead weight as I carry her through the door and creep toward the stairs.

“Take me to bed or lose me forever, Cole Carson.” She giggles, her eyes still shut but a wide, cheeky grin on her face. It’s cute, real cute, but not even hearing her quote one of my favorite movies is gonna make me fall victim to her.

“Will you shut the fuck up? If you wake one of those babies, Garrett will kill us both,” I hiss back at her, taking each step up the stairs with caution so we don’t wake the whole damn house.

I eventually make it to my room and when I manage to open the door, the smell of her hits immediately. I ain’t been in here since she took it over, and although all the sides are now covered in her beauty products and her clothes are all over my floor, I like that she’s still got my comforter on the bed she sleeps on.

“I place her down carefully on the mattress, before maneuvering that comforter so I can get her under it.

“Don’t leave me.” She grabs my wrist the same way she did back at the party, her grip is limp and frail, but it’s still fuckin’ wantin’.

“You need to sleep,” I tell her

“I don’t wanna sleep. I want you to kiss me again,” she confesses, taking my hand and guiding it onto her body. “I want you to touch me in the same way you kissed me. Like I belong to you,” she admits, her eyes closed and her face looking like she’s in some kinda pain.

“You're drunk and blazed.” I shake my head and pull my hand away.

“Yeah, I’m that, but I still want you to touch me.”

“Good night, Savannah.” I shake my head and walk toward the door.