Page 19 of Pushing Limits

Cole steps inside wearing clean black jeans and a black tight-fitting shirt that shows off his huge arms, broad chest, and shoulders. Suddenly all the eyes that were on me, are on him.

“Did someone die?” Wade sniggers as Cole takes off his hat and slides his hand over the rim.

If I didn’t know Cole Carson better, I’d say he was nervous too.

“Not yet.” He eyeballs his brother, who buries his head into his girlfriend’s neck so he can hide the smirk he’s making.

“You look real smart.” Teresa goes over to her son and studies him more closely. I’ve noticed how the brothers have become a little more welcoming to their mother’s affection since I’ve been here. Although Cole is still by far the coldest toward her.

“Has anyone seen my… Whoa, who died?” Garrett asks, his feet coming to a halt when he steps in from the office and sees Cole.

“Nobod… Jesus Christ, why does everything around here have to be made such a big deal outta?” Cole places his hat back on his head and opens the door.

“You coming?” he asks, holding it open for me to step through and I ignore the looks I’m getting as I strut toward him.

“Oh, I hope so,” I whisper as I pass him at the door.

Cole slams the door behind us and storms in front of me so he can open the door of his truck. I take the hand he offersto help me inside and smile in the way I know really grinds on his nerves. He doesn’t react, just shuts the door and rounds the hood before hopping into the driver's seat and starting the engine.

“So where are you taking me?” I ask, buckling up and waiting for him to explain.

“Don’t get the wrong idea about this, Red. It ain’t a date.”

“No, this doesn’t feel like a date at all.” I raise my eyebrows sarcastically.

“Get those kinda ideas outta ya head. I ain’t that kinda guy, but I also ain’t the kinda guy who plays games. I’m taking you to Cahoots so we can have a drink and discuss how this is gonna work, away from everyone else.” He twists the grip he’s got on the wheel.

“So you decide to take me somewhere the whole town will be instead.” I shake my head and try to make sense of the man. “Cole, you don’t have to worry. I’m not gonna fall in lo—”

“That word is banned,” he interrupts, clearing his throat and focusing on the road ahead to avoid eye contact.

“Okay… I guess what I’m saying is that we don’t need ‘the talk’. I know what this is.”

Cole surprises me when he slams on the brakes, stopping us in the middle of the road.

“Oh yeah, and what is it?” he asks, his eyes staring into mine as he waits for his answer. My mind races through all kinds of ideas. None of which I wanna admit to him.

“It’s… ermm. It’s… It’s two people who have a sexual connection allowing themsel—”

“Cut the crap, Savannah.”

“Will you stop interrupting me and let me fini—”

“I told you this was dangerous.” He completely ignores me and makes me even more irate. “But for some reason, you keep on—”

“Whoa. Let me just remind you that you are the one who came to my room the other night. You are the one who suggested we do whatever this is tonight. You know what, Cole, for a man who doesn’t play games you sure as fuck like to bend the fucking rules.” I unbuckle my belt and open the door.

“Wait, where ya goin?” I hear him yell as I slam it shut and start walking back the way we came. I don’t care that it’s dark or cold. I won’t be made to feel like this is all on me.

“Savannah.” Cole gets out the truck and comes after me.


“Leave me alone.” I spin around and scream at him, letting out all my frustration before I start to walk away and when he races to catch up and grabs me from behind, I act on impulse, turn around, and slap his face. Cole moves quickly, grasping under my chin in his strong hand and gripping tightly to my jaw. There’s a look in his eyes that's both unpredictable and terrifying, and I wonder if this time I’ve taken things too far. I swear to God, if this man raises a hand to me I will knee him in the fucking balls.

Instead, he hits me with a different kind of blow. Shock, when he drags me onto his face and slams his lips against mine. He growls into my mouth as he kisses it, and the vibration it sends down my throat makes my whole body hum with that desperation he triggers. I don’t push him away, in fact, I wrap my arms around his neck and allow him to lift my feet off the ground, carrying me back toward his truck and slamming my back against the tailgate. His tongue rolls around mine as his hand grips my thighs and I rub myself against his solid body like a needy whore.

“We need boundaries, Savannah,” he whispers when he eventually pulls away, and all I can do is nod at him as he places me back on my feet and then moves around the truck to open the passenger door.