Page 13 of Pushing Limits

“I don’t play games.” I kiss the base of her spine, before crawling over her and biting on her shoulder. She gasps again, her hips already rotating against mine before I’ve even gotten started. I lower myself back down her body, pressing delicate kisses all the way across her spine. Her body tingles and the goosebumps rise under her skin. She remains silent until I get to her juicy ass and sink my teeth into that too. I bite down hard and unforgivingly. I don’t know if the moan she makes is out of pain or pleasure, but when I pull away I see from the little light that’s shining into the room from outside that I’ve left a mark, and I like the way it fuckin’ looks.

I use the hand I’m squeezing her panties with to hook them to one side and she jumps when I spit at her soft skin and tilt my head as watch my saliva slide between her ass cheeks and drip against her tight little hole.

“Bite on this.” I toss the tee she left in the bunkhouse in front of her.

“Bite down real good, Red. Because I’m gonna make you come so hard that you’re gonna wake the whole fuckin’ house.”

“Cole.” She says my name again, and I quickly reach back over her, picking up the top and stuffing it harshly into her mouth.

“I’m in control now,” I warn, resting my knees on the floor and spreading open her ass cheeks so I can get to work.

I start by slowly teasing her with my tongue, front to back. Her moans are muffled through the fabric, and her hips push back desperately, seeking out more of my tongue. She jumps again when I slap her ass, my tongue now moving faster against her clit as I squeeze one of her cheeks in my fist so tight it matches the color of her hair. It doesn’t take long for her exasperated breaths to become out of control, and when her pussy spills all over my tongue and her head crashes forward into the pillows like she’s exhausted, I can’t help feeling victorious.

“Fuck me, Cole,” she manages in between heavy breaths, keeping her ass up in the air for me. I flip her onto her back and climb over her body, letting her feel that hard cock she’s craving press between her legs.

“I came here to get a few things offmychest,” I tell her, hovering over her and feeling my cock stiffen to the point of pain when I think about how it would feel to be inside her. Her head moves to follow my lips as if she wants to kiss them.

“I don’t care if you don’t want my protection. That's something you have whether you want it or not. You can show off these tits to whoever you want…” I pause and squeeze one under the tee she’s still wearing. “But if I ever see another man look at ‘em again, I’ll take his eyeballs before I take his soul. And you can try telling yourself all you want that you don’t belong to me, but we both know that's not true. You are mine. You have been since I kissed ya out on that porch.”

“Then kiss me again,” she taunts, fidgeting her body under mine to get the friction it needs.

“Prove it to me, Cole.” A victorious little smile tugs at her lips and has me giving in to all my temptations. I clasp her jaw in my hand and slam my lips onto hers, forcing my tongue into her mouth and making her taste her pleasure off it.

“I don’t know what this is, Red, but I’m warning you that it’s dangerous.” I release her and drag myself away before I take things any further. I’ve given the girl enough to think about for one night.

“We need to talk.” I storm into the stable where Cole is saddling up his horse.

I don’t know how it’s possible to feel so fulfilled and so frustrated all at the same. He came to my room last night, performed some kind of fucking wizardry with his tongue then left me hanging.Thenhe has the audacity to ignore me over breakfast.

“What about? The part where you came all over my tongue or the part where you begged me to fuck you?” He’s got a cocky assed grin on his face that is unfamiliar, and I have to push to the back of my head how good it looks on him and force myself to be angry again.

“Yeah. What was all that?”

“I told you what it was about, were you not listening?” He stops what he’s doing and rests his elbow on the saddle he now has secured around Rebel.

“I… I… I…”

“Cat got your tongue?” He raises an eyebrow as if he’s getting a kick out of my frustration.

“Cole, what happened last night, we can’t let anyone know about it. Me and you…”

“Fine by me.” He shocks me when he shrugs.

“I mean, I’m different to Maisie and Leia, I don’t want commitment or a relationship I certainly don’t want babies…”

“Like I said, fine by me.” He makes jumping up onto his horse look easy and annoys the shit out of me when he lifts his hat to me and trots on out of the stable.

“Cole,” I call after him, hating myself for sounding far too desperate. And when he turns around I can’t help appreciating how hot the man looks on a saddle.

“We…” Fuck, I’m pathetic for what I’m about to let come out of my mouth. “We’re gonna do it again, right?”

“Oh, you can count on it.” He winks at me before digging his heels in and riding toward the gate that leads out the yard.

“Savannah.” I hear Garrett calling me and follow his voice out to the other side of the yard where he’s about to get in his truck.

“What’s up?” I try to act normal, though I don’t know what normal is anymore. I’m confused more by my own feelings than I am by Cole’s actions. I have perfectly good reasons for wanting to keep what happened just between us, so why am I disappointed that he made no protest or intrigue as to why?”

“Savannah?” Garrett must notice that I’m deep in thought because he waves his hands in front of my face.