Page 14 of Pushing Limits

“Sorry, what were you saying?”

“I was asking if you noticed a change in Maisie lately. Mom spoke to me last night and said she was worried about her.”

“Maisie?” I frown at him.

“Yeah, Mom said she’s being forgetful and over-sensitive. She’s worried.”

“Garrett, she has five-month-old triplets and a husband who's running in a fake election. I’m surprised she can remember her own name.”

“You’re right.” He shakes his head at himself. “I guess what I’m asking is for you to keep a closer eye on her. Leia and Wadeare focused on getting the cabin ready, and I got all this Harvey shit to worry about, she could really do with you right now.”

“I got your back, Jack.” I slap his shoulder the same way his brothers do before heading back into the house.

Everyone around me is acting normal, which seems strange after what happened last night. I want to speak to Maisie and tell her about it. She's always been good at putting things into perspective, but I don’t want her to think that this is going to become something when I know there's no chance it will. I also don’t want to hear the warning she’ll give me about it all heading for disaster.

“You need anything? I’m heading into town,” I ask, having no idea what I’m gonna do when I get there but I’m in desperate need of some breathing space.

“We’re all good.” Maisie is rocking one of the babies in a bouncy chair with her foot while typing something out on her laptop. Whatever she’s doing looks important.

“I could do with running a few errands, I’ll come with you,” Leia calls out from over the banister.

So much for being alone.

“Maybe we could get our nails done?” She wiggles her eyebrows at me as she comes down the stairs. “Those bitches at the salon probably have plenty they want to ask after yesterday.” I am loving her new attitude.

“I think that’s a great idea. Maisie, you in?” I look at her.

“I wish, these guys will need feeding again in an hour and I have to read through all these reports for Garrett. His uncle got one of his members' girlfriends to get the lowdown on Harvey and all his investments. There's heaps to get through.

“Shouldn’t Garrett be doing that?” I look at her sternly.

“He was up most of the night doing it. He’s highlighted everything he thinks could be useful. I’m just checking it over.”

“Don’t they use Zayne for this kinda thing?” Leia leans over Maisie’s shoulder and looks at the screen.

“We do, but what Maddy can do is beyond Zayne’s reach. She’s pretty incredible.”

“So you got anything juicy?” I rest on the couch beside my friend.

“No this is all investment stuff, properties, businesses he owns. The man’s very clever. Look how much he donated to charity last year. She swivels the screen so I can see and the figure is ridiculous. And that doesn’t include what he donates to his local college.”

“Is he single?” I wink.

“Like you need a Sugar Daddy.” Maisie nudges me playfully. She’s fully aware of how rich my parents are. She’s been to the house and met them herself. When we lived together on campus my parents paid our rent and made sure the apartment was fitted with every mod con you could think of.

“I’m not that girl anymore,” I snap because right now money is a sore subject.

Since I got here my parents have been begging for me to go home. They think I’m having some kind of mental break. I’ve spoken to them a few times and they’ve tried everything from bribery and guilt to convince me, but now they are hitting me where it hurts and are cutting me off from my allowance. I only have a couple hundred left in my savings account and that’s not gonna last. I really need to make a decision about what I do next.

“I didn’t mean it that way.” Maisie looks upset to have offended me.

“I know ya didn’t.” Wrapping my arm around her I squeeze her tight so she knows I’m not. Though something Iamgonna have to do if I want to stick around is get myself a job. I can’t expect to stay here for free.

“Come on, let's head into town.” I stand back up and grab Leia’s hand dragging her toward the door.

“Did you see the look on her face when you started talking about how Wade uses his rodeo skills in the bedroom?” Leia giggles as we step out of the salon onto the street. It was worth the money I can’t really afford just to see her smiling again.

“It’ll give the uptight little bitches something to talk about.” I look over my shoulder and see two of the girls watching us from the window and show them their handiwork when I stick my well-manicured middle finger up at them.