Page 67 of Midnight Purgatory

I hate the idea of leaving him like this, but I know that asking him to stay will only make things worse. We’ve both crossed yet another line—and trying to pretend like we have a normal relationship, if you can even call it that, is never going to work.


He stops short and glances at me over his shoulder. “Yes?”

“Um… when we had—when we weretogether, we didn’t use protection.” I can feel the color flood my cheeks. “Either time. I think I need Plan B, just to be safe.”

He nods without argument. “I’ll get it to you.”

I’ll get it to you. NotI’ll bring it to you. That one hurts more than it should. It’s entirely irrational but that’s what doing stupid stuff like kissing men you shouldn’t be kissing will do to you.

“Thanks. And, er… one more thing?”

He frowns but stays still. I get off the bed and walk around him so that I’m blocking his path to the door.

“Now that Lev knows about me, could you maybe let me out of this basement?” I plead. “I can’t stay down here for much longer, Uri. I’m already going crazy.”

His jaw clenches and his gaze flickers over me. I’m sure he’s going to refuse me. Then something imperceptible in his face softens and his shoulders drop. “If I do, you are not to leave the grounds under any circumstances. Is that clear?”

The relief coursing through me is immediate. “Yes.”

“I’m only agreeing to this because it’s what’s best for Lev. He’s been out of his basement for too long and it’s starting to show. I don’t want to push him towards another episode.”

“Understood. Thank you.”

His gaze lingers on me for a few seconds.

And then he’s gone.



It takes two more days before Uri makes good on his word and gives me a room on the upper floors of his house. “House” is in some serious quotation marks, though. This place is a palace if ever I’ve seen one. They need to have maps hung up at regular intervals like kiosks at the mall.

I don’t see Lev or Uri as I follow Svetlana through the halls. But I catch his cinnamon-smoke scent the moment I enter my new room.

At first, I’m taken back by all the light. It’s just so damnbright. My eyes are actually hurting from it. Once they’ve adjusted, I examine the space. One thing is immediately obvious…


Mainly because of the sleek, mahogany bed and the stunning blue-and-green Persian carpet rolled over most of the teak wood floors. I walk through the maze of it, running my feet through the shag and trying not to squeak with delight too obnoxiously.

“Oh my God! This is—”

“I thought you’d like it.”

I yelp. When I turn around, I realize that Svetlana is gone…

And Uri is standing in her place.

He’s even more dazzling in the light, which is highly annoying. I’m just gonna have to try not to look directly at him. A little pinky swear from me to me.

“Thanks for the room,” I mumble shyly. “It’s beautiful.”

“Just so you know, the windows and doors lock from the outside.”

I roll my eyes, all sense of gratitude immediately vanishing. “Where am I going to run? This place is a fortress and I live right next door. I have nowhere to go.”