Page 122 of Midnight Purgatory

Lev nods more confidently now. “Our secret,” he repeats. “Because we’re friends.” Clearing his throat, he says, “Polly is my sister.”

The moment he says it, I recall one of our first conversations ages ago. He mentioned a sister at one point, hadn’t he? In fact, now that I think about it, he had mentioned another brother, too. But Uri never did.

Polly is their sister.

There’s a distinct and undeniable sense of relief. But I wonder how rational it is. This information changes nothing at the end of the day. I’m still nothing more than a sex toy to him. A dirty little secret he wants to keep hidden away from the people he cares about.

I fall back on my butt and wrap my hands around my knees. “What’s she like? Your sister?”

Lev shrugs. “I dunno.”

“Come on, there must be something you can tell me about her.”

“She likes to give me hugs,” he says with a full-body shudder.

I smile. “It sounds like she loves you.”

“I don’t love her.”

The words fly out of his mouth so fast that I can’t quite believe them. “What do you mean? Of course you do.”

He shakes his head. “No. She makes me sad.”

For a moment, I’m worried that maybe this sister is not so nice to him. But considering he just told me that she tries to hug him all the time, I’m less than sure. “Can you explain that to me?”

He drops his chin to his chest. “Her… her eyes. Her eyes make me sad.”

I havenoclue what to make of that. So instead, I try something different. “Tell me, is she kind to you?”

He nods.

“Does she try to talk to you?”

He nods again.

“Does she play video games with you?”

Another nod.

“Well, it sounds like she’s a pretty awesome sister. One who really cares about you.” Lev doesn’t really respond to that, except to keep rocking back and forth and muttering under his breath. “I had a sister once and she was my best friend. But then she died.”

The rocking stops. “She died?”

“Yeah. A long time ago now.”

“My parents died, too.”

“I know. I’m so sorry.”

He blinks apathetically. “Does it make you sad that your sister died?”

“All the time.”


“You’re so lucky to have your sister around, Lev. Trust me. Make use of the time you have with her. And more importantly, be kind to her, too.”

“How did your sister die?”