Page 133 of Midnight Purgatory


She pushes the plate towards me. “Alyssa. You know her? The pretty blonde in the basement. She and I had a little chat while Lev played video games. She’s really got a way with him. He seems so comfortable around her.”

I take a deep breath to steady myself, even though it feels like I’m being tossed around on a boat in the middle of a storm. “Did Lev tell you?”

“We literally just established that Lev barely talks to me. No, I followed him down there. I’m sure you’ve noticed that he’s not the stealthiest of people. Or the most secretive.”

“I told you to stay out of the basement,” I grit out.

“Well, I didn’t listen.” She jabs a finger in my direction. “Youshould have told me the reason why.”

“It’s none of your business, Polina. This is a Bratva issue and I don’t want you getting involved in it.”

“She’s miserable down there.”

“I’m aware.”

My sister’s eyes narrow. “She’s obviously down there because I’m up here. Now that I know, you can at least offer her a bedroom. No point in secrecy if the cat’s out of the bag.”

My jaw clenches. That would have made sense a few weeks ago. But now? After everything that’s gone down between Alyssa and me? I can’t imagine anything worse than having her around, in my space, spending time with my siblings. They only met today and already, Polly is in my face, championing Alyssa’s cause. The littlenarushitelmust have some fucking witchcraft power when it comes to the Bugrov clan.

“You need to forget about her.”

Polina’s jaw drops. “You’re not gonna let her out?”

“It’s better this way. She won’t stay in the basement forever. But for right now—”

“That’s inhuman!” she snaps. “And you are not inhuman, Uri.”

“I am when I have to be. You only know me as your brother. I am much more than just your brother, Polina.”

She shakes her head with disappointment. “Say whatever you want; I don’t believe you.”

“You don’t have to believe me. But you do have to trust me. I know what’s best—”

“Don’t!” Polly screams in a voice that I’ve never heard her use before. She sounds so damnsadall of a sudden. So damnangry. “Don’t tell me that you know what’s best for me. It’s a lie. It’s a fuckinglie!”


“I’m serious. That’s exactly what Dad said to me before they left on that stupid drive with Lev. I had to stay behind because I had soccer practice and he refused to let me miss it.Honor your commitments, Polina,he told me.You’ll thank me later. I know what’s best for you.It’s all fucking bullshit!”

I stare at her. “You’ve been keeping that in a long time.”

She sighs and runs her hands over her face as all the fight dissipates from her body just as suddenly as it appeared. “I didn’t mean to scream.”

“It’s okay. Screaming is healthy from time to time.”

“I’m fourteen years old. I know right from wrong, Uri. I know exactly who you are. Beingpakhandoesn’t make you a villain. But keeping a woman locked in a basement against her will… that most certainly does.”

I bite back my own anger. “You don’t know the whole story.”

“Yes, I do. Alyssa told me.”


“How long were you down there with her?”

“Long enough,” she retorts, crossing her hands over her chest. “What’s going on between the two of you?”