“You okay?” I ask, glancing around at Gage, who strapped himself in the car seat.

“Fine.” He glances at Rebecca as I start the car. “Miss Becky, are you coming home with us? Maybe I can show you my horses. Uncle Miguel promised he would let me teach him how to take care of them. He said he forgot.”

“Did he now?”

Rebecca and I exchange a look as Gage continues to chat away.

“He did! He doesn’t have horses where he lives now.” He shakes his head as if the idea itself is preposterous.

“He doesn’t?” Rebecca surprise mocks.

“No! Can you believe it? But I’m going to teach him. We can go to the barn once we get back, right? I can teach you today.”

“Sure thing, buddy.”

Just then, my phone starts to ring, cutting off the music that’s been playing.

From the side of my eye, I can see Rebecca’s body stiffen. I glance at the screen, pressing the answer button.

“Yo, Monk, what’s up?” my teammate’s gruff voice fills the cabin of the car as I take the turn onto the gravel road. “You wanna come with us? We’re planning to hit a few bars tonight. I know it’s not really your scene, but I figured maybe you pulled that stick that you have shoved so far up your ass now that it’s off-season, and you’d relax a little bit.”

“Hello to you, too, assh—” My gaze darts to the rearview mirror to find Gage listening intently. “Butthole,” I correct at the very last minute.

Rebecca shakes her head, giving me a side-eye.

“Butthole? What are you? Five?”

“No, Gonzales, but I have little ears in my car.”

There is a pregnant pause. “You have a kid?”

“I have my nephew with me,” I clarify. “And you’re on speaker.”

“Oh, shi— shoot. Sorry, I forgot Walker mentioned something about you visiting your family. I thought you came back already.”

“Not yet.” Rebecca’s house comes into view.

“Well, once you come back to town, the offer still stands. You can’t live off of practice and those protein shakes, Monk.”

“I don’t think I heard you,” I yell loudly. “The connection sucks here. I’ll have to catch you later.”

“You sound fine to me.”

“I’m losing you. Later!”

I disconnect the call just as we pull in front of Rebecca’s house.

“What is a monk, Uncle Miguel?”

Rebecca and I exchange a look. I’m pretty sure I look like a deer caught in the headlights. Rebecca bites the inside of her cheek, and I can see the amusement dancing in her eyes as she waits for my answer.

“Umm… A monk is a religious person.”

His little brows furrow. “Like preacher Jamison?”

“Yeah, just like that.” I nod my head. “Wait a bit in here. I’ll be right back and then we’ll go look at the horses.”

Pushing the door open, I get out of the truck. Just as I’m rounding the hood, Rebecca’s door opens.