I shake my head before he can even finish. “There is nothing to talk about.”

His brows pull together, irritation flaring in his irises. “Rebecca…”

“No, Miguel. Tonight was a mistake.” One big fucking mistake. “It shouldn’t have happened.”

I pull my hand out of his grasp. “Thanks for the ride.”

His jaw clenches, but this time, he doesn’t try to stop me as I slide out of the car and walk up the porch just as the door opens and Chase steps out. He looks me up and down, his sharp gaze not missing anything. Shifting his attention over my shoulder to Miguel’s car that’s still sitting in the driveway, before his focus is back on me, one brow rising in a silent question.

“Don’t you even start,” I mutter, as I push past him and up the stairs.

Everything that just happened is still playing in my head in vivid color.

I climb to the second floor, the reflection in the mirror hanging in the hallway catching my attention.

My hair is a mess, and my lips and neck are red and swollen from Miguel’s stubble.

My hand rises, tracing the faint marks.

What the hell have I done?



“So what’s the verdict?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch the older man stick his head under the hood of the truck.

Last night, after I dropped Rebecca off at her house and returned to my parent’s place, I found her keys on the passenger’s side floor. They probably ended up there somewhere between our fight and sex.

Off-the-charts-I-couldn’t-get-it-out-of-my-mind sex.

Not that I was surprised. Rebecca and I always had chemistry, even when we were just two stupid teens trying to figure out what the other person needed. And some of our best moments were after a fight.

Mr. Dalton mumbles something to himself, breaking me out of my musings. He pokes around for a moment longer before straightening and pulling the rag out of his back pocket to wipe at his oil-stained hands.

“Her alternator is dead. Not that her battery is any better. It’s also time for an oil change.”

I nod, having already figured out as much myself. “How fast can you do it?”

Mr. Dalton turns his attention to me. “It ain’tgonna be cheap. I can’t believe she’s still driving this old thing. I tried to tell Becky the last few times she came over that it would be much cheaper for her to simply buy a new car. More reliable too, but she wouldn’t listen.”

Of course she wouldn’t listen. Rebecca loved that fucking truck. It was one of the last things of her dad’s that she had.

“I don’t care about the money. Can you fix it?”

His brows shoot up. “I can try, but it might take a while.”

“Do that.”

We go back to the front desk together, where I leave him my contact info so he can call me once he finishes with the truck and go to my SUV that’s parked outside.

Jumping into the driver’s seat, I start toward the ranch.

I was too restless to sleep after everything that happened last night and how we left things, but finding those keys was exactly the excuse I needed.

She could try to run away as much as she wanted, but she couldn’t avoid me forever.

Not after everything that had happened.