I’m pretty sure my eyes bug out at her statement.

“No, you can’t. That’s too much…”

Mrs. Santiago’s hold on me tightens. “Well, tough luck, I already did it.”

Tears burn my eyelids as I try to keep my emotions under wrap. But there is no fooling Mrs. Santiago. She frames my face and runs her thumb over my cheekbone.

“You’re family, Rebecca. Family helps family. You don’t have to do it all on your own.”

This time, I really do break. A loud sob comes out of my lungs as I pull my hands and wrap them around her neck. Mrs. Santiago returns my embrace, her sweet scent reminding me of my childhood. Of the countless times she hugged me, helped meget up when I fell, and cleaned my scratches and wounds. “Thank you so much.”

“There is nothing to thank me for.” She rubs her hand up and down my back. “You just go and have fun. We’ll be here once you get back home.”

So that’s what I did. I went back home and quickly packed a bag for a weekend trip before informing Matthew about what was happening. He wasn’t happy, but he didn’t put up a fight. By the time I was packed, Mrs. Santiago was knocking on our door.

After a quick goodbye, I drove all the way to the airport. I was anxious to get into the air and finally see Miguel. I tried calling him, but when he didn’t answer, I figured it was for the best and decided to surprise him instead.

There was a slight delay, but I finally landed in Michigan just after eleven in the evening. Since nobody is picking me up, and it’s late, I decide to splurge and rent a car.

By the time I make it to Miguel’s campus and find a place to park close to his building, I’m wiped, but even that doesn’t stop the excitement coursing through my body. After months of long-distance, I’ll finally get to see Miguel.

I quickly check my reflection in the rearview mirror. My eyes are still slightly puffy from crying earlier, and there are dark bags under my eyes.

Maybe I should have tried to put on some makeup, but I didn’t have it in me. I just wanted to come here. I needed to see Miguel. I needed to feel his arms wrapped around me and hear him say everything would be okay. I didn’t even care that it would only be temporary.

I needed somebody to hold me before I started to fall apart under all the pressure of what’s been happening in the last few months.

Grabbing my bag, I get out of the car.

I’m just getting out my phone to call Miguel when somebody exits the dorm. I give the guy a small smile as I slip inside. By some miracle, there is nobody sitting at the front desk, so I use this opportunity to slip toward the stairs, climbing two at a time. I’m slightly winded when I get to the third floor and see Miguel’s door at the end of the hall.

I lift my hand and knock, the sound echoing down the silent hallway. I bite the inside of my cheek, shifting my weight from one foot to another.

Maybe he’s out with the guys? I should have probably called a few more times, but I just wanted to get here as soon as possible. He’s been telling me he’s busy with a project for one of his classes, so I just assumed—

The door pulls open, and a gorgeous blonde appears in the doorway. Eric’s girlfriend? I think Miguel mentioned that his roommate was seeing somebody. Or was it one of his teammates? With so many new people in his life, it was hard to keep track of everybody.

Her brows quirk up, “Can I help you?”


My gaze falls down as I slowly take her in. My stomach sinks, my mouth turning dry before I even register what I’m seeing.

I blink once, but no, the image in front of me is still the same.

This unfamiliar, stunning girl is standing in the doorway of my boyfriend’s dorm, wearing nothing but his shirt.

And not just any shirt.

His jersey.

She’s wearing his freaking jersey.

The one he wore and gave me before I went home so I could have something of his with me.

The one that made me feel loved and cherished like I belonged.

The girl flips her hair over her shoulder. “Did you need something? Because we’re really busy here.”