Rebecca shoots daggers at me as she walks to the passenger side and grabs her stuff. We walk in silence a little way down the main road to where I left my SUV. My fingers itch to slide over her lower back as I pull the door open, but I force myself not to do it. Instead, I walk to my side and get in, just as Rebecca does the same.

Turning on the ignition, I pull out from the parking lot. Soft music plays in the background as we drive away through the streets of Bluebonnet, but it doesn’t help with this building tension that only seems to grow stronger by the second.

I try to keep my attention on the dark roads. It’s not an easy task now that she’s sitting next to me, her presence, her scent overwhelming in the small confines of the vehicle.

I’m just turning onto the gravel road that leads to our place when my phone starts to ring. My gaze darts to the screen to find a picture of a brunette staring at me. Julia.

And I’m not the only one who notices it either.

Rebecca lets out a strangled sound.

I reject the call, my eyes meeting Rebecca’s in the darkness.

“You didn’t have to hang up on my behalf.”

“It’s fine,” I say non-committedly, shifting my attention to the road.

Rebecca snorts. “Is it? Or were you too afraid I’d tell your new girlfriend you were out on a date tonight?”

My fingers clench around the steering wheel. “What the hell are you talking about? I wasn’t on a date.”

“I saw you at The Hut with Mary Sue and Lauren. What would you call that, if not a date?”

This whole nonsense was aboutthat?

“I was there with the guys,” I grit through clenched teeth, irritated that I have to explain myself. “The two of them came later and joined us. That’s it.”

“Mhmm… Y’all seemed awfully cozy tonight.”

I turn toward Rebecca, but she’s looking out of the window, her fingers curled around the door handle.

What is she planning to do? Jump out of the car?

“So what if we were on a date? What does that have to do with you?”

She presses her lips together but doesn’t bother turning toward me. “You’re right. It has absolutely nothing to do with me.”

Her voice is even, and I swear I could see the walls surrounding her quickly start to rise, tall and impenetrable.


I run my fingers through my hair, pushing it back. This was so not what I wanted at all.

Then what did you want?A little voice at the back of my head challenges.

Wasn’t that a million-dollar question? The one I didn’t have an answer for.

“What were you even doing out?” I ask, trying to change the subject and ease some of this tension between us.

Rebecca is quiet for what seems like an eternity. Just when I think she won’t answer, she surprises me.

“I went to the police station. I usually carry the leftovers from the café to shelters or places I know where they have a night shift.”

“Police station?” I repeat, my fingers curling around the steering wheel.

“Yes, Nico gave me the idea a while ago, so it’s just been something I do. There is no sense in throwing away perfectly good food.”

“Why am I not surprised?”