
The bell chimes, drawing our attention. Two kids come rushing inside, followed by their mothers. They wave at me as they make their way to the back of the shop.

“We moved back, actually,” Rose continues once we’re alone again. “John started to work for his dad.”

My brows shoot up. John O’Neil was one of the guys on our football team back in high school. Although he wasn’t nearly as talented as Emmett or Miguel, he was decent enough to get a scholarship to continue playing in college, and Rose decided to go with him.

“It’s just temporary,” Rose explains quickly. “John was injured last year and missed the draft, but he’ll reapply next year once he’s at one hundred percent.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that, Rose. I didn’t know.”

One of those shapely brows quirks up. “You? Didn’t know something related to football?”

I could see how she’d think that. Football used to be the center of Emmett and Miguel’s lives, so it became the center of mine. I knew everything about the game, and you could usually find me on the sidelines cheering my friends on, but it was just one more thing that had changed after Miguel and I broke up.

“There were more important things I had to focus on.” I shrug.

“I guess that’s true.”

Laughter comes from the back of the room, drawing Rose’s attention. “I guess I should go make sure Kyle is okay. Thank you for the cupcake.”

“Of course. I’ll see you around?”

With a nod, Rose walks away. Over the next ten minutes, more parents and kids come. Some people stop to grab coffees before they, too, disappear down back. I handle the usual walk-ins as I listen to Sav read the kids a story. These were the moments I liked the best. When the shop was filled with people, laughter,and good stories, it reminded me of why I wanted to open this café in the first place. The hour passes in a flash, and some people linger around, chatting and buying treats for the kids.

“I’m out of here. I called Grams, and she told me she was going to the store. On her crutches! I kid you not that woman will take me to an early grave.”

I wave her off. “Go, save the day. I’ll clean up later.”

“You’re the best. I’ll take you out for drinks when you find five spare minutes for little ol’ me.” She gives me a pointed look. “Maybe then we can finish the conversation we had earlier.”

Of course, she’d want that.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Mhmm… We’ll see about that. Later, Becs.”

With a wave over her shoulder, she disappears out of the café.

Shortly after she’s gone, the crowd starts to die down, so I use the opportunity to start cleaning. There isn’t much of the treats left tonight, but I pack it regardless so I can drop it off at the police station.

I hated throwing the leftovers away, so instead, I would usually take whatever wasn’t sold to somebody who I knew worked the night shift and could use it.

I scan the street as I pass by. I wave at a few people that I know before passing the street in front of The Hut. Today, the place is relatively quiet, just a few regulars, and that’s about…

Only it’s not.

I catch the group sitting in the booth by the window. Lucas and Kevin, a few of the guys I went to high school with, are sitting along with Mary Sue, Lauren, and Miguel.

My stomach twists into a knot as I watch Lauren laugh exaggeratedly at whatever Miguel says. Her hand falls on his forearm.

My gaze is glued to that one point of contact, and I can feel the blood starting to buzz in my veins as I watch her finger rub little circles over his skin. Irritation springs to life, but it’s not the only thing either. Jealousy, hot and heavy, slams into me like a tsunami, making me stumble back.

He’s not yours,I remind myself.That kiss yesterday didn’t mean anything.

You don’t want it to mean anything.

My jaw clenches as I stare at them for a heartbeat longer before turning on the balls of my feet and continuing my way to the police station on autopilot. My mind is still going over what I just saw, which only makes me more irritated with myself.