Checking my review mirror to confirm there isn’t another lunatic willing to jump in front of my bumper, I pull out on the road and start driving back to my house.

If it was just a few minutes like Linda had said, she couldn’t have gone that far, could she? Driving back home made the most sense.

“Who is Linda? And what did you mean when you said your mom is missing?” Miguel asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Exactly what I said,” I mutter quietly, my eyes scanning the road in front of me. “She’s missing. As in, she was home, and now she’s gone.”

Miguel shifts in his seat. “How long has she been missing? Maybe she just left to go to town to grab something?”

“And how would she do that if I have the truck with me?”

“Okay, so maybe she went to Santiago’s? Or hell, maybe she even went to my place? Both of those are just a short walk away.”

“Maybe,” I whisper, my fingers curling around the steering wheel tighter.

The same thought crossed my mind. They were both just sometwenty minutes away on foot. She could have gone to either of those places, but I knew better than that. Today was a bad day. She was on the edge from the time she woke up and didn’t want to listen to anything I told her. And when she’s completely lost like that from the morning, there would be no getting out of it anytime soon.

My phone chimes, making me jump in my seat. I quickly grab it from the bag, hoping it’s Linda with some news, but no such luck. Still, I answer the phone, putting it on speaker so I can continue driving.

“Becky, what the hell’s going on?” Emmett’s deep voice comes from the other side of the line. “Mom just called me and told me your mom’s missing?”

“Yeah, she left the house a little while ago. I’m just driving back toward the house and hope I spot her somewhere along the way.”

“Dammit,” Emmett curses. “Okay, I’ll tell the guys to be on the lookout in case somebody sees her wandering around.”

“Thanks, Emmett,” I whisper softly, my teeth sinking into my lower lip to stop it from wobbling. “Just… call me if you see her? I don’t know in what state she’ll be when we find her. This morning was hard.”

“I’m so sorry, Becs.” His gentle voice only makes my heart ache more.

You and I both. You and I—

“What do you mean, this morning was hard?” Miguel asks suddenly, interrupting the quiet. “What am I missing?”

Well, shit.

I close my eyes for a second. A heavy silence settles over the cab of the truck, like a ticking time bomb has just exploded in the small confines.

This is exactly what I didn’t need.

When my eyes flutter open, I notice the knuckles of myfingers have turned white from the force with which I’m holding the steering wheel.

“Miguel?” Emmett asks slowly, the curiosity evident in his tone.

Why wouldn’t he be curious? The last he knew, Miguel and I weren’t on speaking terms.

“Yes, who else would it be?”

Oh, I don’t know, just about anybody else.

Emmett ignores his question and asks one of his own instead. “What the hell are you doing there?”

“He jumped into my car like the idiot that he is,” I say quickly. I need to cut this off at the root before they really get into it. “I need to go, Emmett. I don’t want to get in an accident on top of everything else, and I need my phone in case somebody calls me with news about my mom.”

“Yeah, of course. I’ll keep an eye out. Let me know if you find her.”

“Will do,” I promise.

“But just so you know,bothof you, this isn’t done.”