“That’s what I keep telling her!” Kate sighs. “I just feel so bad for not eating, but I’m really apprehensive it’ll all come back out if I do.”

Emmett cups her cheek. “It’s fine, baby. Just eat those muffins. I don’t think I saw you eat anything all day.”

“I had breakfast, and we know how that turned out,” she sighs. “I just hope it passes before people start coming over.”

“When is that happening?”

“The Blairwood crew will be coming on Friday morning, and Mom in the afternoon.”

My brows shoot up. “Your mom is coming?”

Kate and her sister moved to Bluebonnet when we were seventeen, but then her mom suddenly showed up and tried to take the Adams sisters back to LA. In the end, they managed toconvince her to let them stay here, but I didn’t realize she would be coming to the ceremony.

“Yeah, we sent her the invite, but I never imagined she’d want to come back. Not after staying away for so long.”

“Huh, interesting.”

“I guess something’s in the air since everybody seems to be returning home these days.”

I turn to Rebecca, not missing the silent jab from her. My lips press into a tight line as the irritation spreads inside of me. And here I thought tonight was going well.

“If the person’s worth coming back for, I don’t see why it would be surprising.” The words are out of my mouth before I can think them through.

Rebecca flinches like I slapped her, and I feel a foot connect with mine under the table.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.Somepeople are worth coming for, and others will show you their true colors when you catch them unprepared.”

She pushes her chair back, gets to her feet, and starts picking up plates. “I’ll take care of dishes.”

Without another look in my direction, or any of us really, she slips back into the house.

“Seriously, dude?” Emmett hisses the moment she’s out of earshot.

“What?” I ask defensively, my gaze zeroing in on Rebecca’s form as she moves in the kitchen, her mouth moving as if she’s muttering to herself. Knowing her, she’s probably cursing me. It wouldn’t be the first time. “She started it first.”

I know I probably sound like a petulant child, but seriously, did she have to bring this whole thing up? She knew why I couldn’t come home back then. Even if the entire situation with my dad hadn’t happened, between my class schedule and practice, games, and traveling, I barely had enough time to sleep,much less drive twenty-plus hours to get back to Texas to see her. I hated it, but she refused to move with me, and she knew what was at stake—my future.Ourfuture.

Phone calls and texts were our best bet and primary form of communication. If she answered them, that is.

Four years ago

My fingers clench around the strap of my backpack as I listen to the phone ring, and ring, and ring.

Where the hell is she?

“Hey, babe,” Rebecca says when she finally picks up the phone.

“Hey…” There is a loud rumbling filling the background. My brows pull together. “Where are you?”

“Driving back home,” Rebecca sighs. “I had a class, and then I stayed in the library to work on a project. I turned off my phone so I could concentrate, but time just flew by.”

“Oh, I tried calling you, but you never picked up.”

Or answered any of my messages, but I bite my tongue to stop the words from coming. I knew she was busy too, but damn, I missed her. We’ve been inseparable our whole lives, to suddenly be away from the person that was your everything… I didn’t know how to deal with that.

“I’m sorry. It’s just been a crazy day, and I really needed to finish this assignment because it’s due tonight.”

And now I feel like a whiny asshole.