The older woman turns around, a smile on her lips. “Becky, I didn’t hear you come in. Chase got a call from the shelter about a stray dog roaming around, so he went to check it out. And your mom is up in her room. She had a tough day, so I put her to bed early.”

“Shit.” I run my hand overmy face.

Mom having a rough day was never a good thing. And after today, this was the last thing I needed to hear.

I glance up the stairs. “I’ll go check in on her.”

Linda offers me a sad smile and a nod. Turning my back on her, I take two steps at a time as I climb up. The door at the end of the hallway is left slightly ajar. Bypassing my room, I go straight for Mom’s, pushing it gently open all the way.

Just like Linda said, she’s sleeping in her bed. Her chest rising and falling evenly under the sheet. I slip inside and walk closer to the bed, my heart aching at the sight of her.

She looked so peaceful when she slept. Like the woman she used to be. Before.

Lifting my hand, I tuck a strand of her silvery hair that slipped onto her face back as I watch her for a moment longer, soaking in this rare moment as the ache makes my heart tighten.

With one last caress, I pull back, exiting the room as quietly as I entered and leaving the door slightly open. Dropping my things into my room, my sight falls on Kate’s wedding planner. I was hoping to drop it off after the tasting, but things at the café got crazy, and then Mom had one of her episodes…

There weren’t enough hours in any given day for me to do everything.

Glancing longingly toward the open door of my bathroom and the bathtub that’s calling my name, I let out a sigh.

Later tonight, I promise myself.

My reflection in the mirror catches my attention as I start to turn around. My ponytail is a mess, and I’m pretty sure there is a chocolate stain on my shirt.

Grabbing the hem, I pull the shirt over my head and toss it into the bin before slipping into a fresh one. I rub the stain on my face off and run a brush through my hair, calling it good.

On my way out of the room, I pick up the binder, my phone,and keys before gently descending the stairs so I don’t wake Mom up.

“Linda, I have to go over to Kate’s for a moment. It shouldn’t take too long. Will you be okay?”

I hated leaving her alone now that I was actually off work, but I knew that if I didn’t go to Kate’s now, I wasn’t sure when I would be able to do it. Besides, I wanted to check in on her because she hadn’t texted me today when I asked her how she was doing.

“Of course. You go on ahead. We’re good here.”

“You’re a lifesaver, Linda. I’ll be back shortly.”

I quickly make my way to the truck. The old thing coughs in protest, but on the third try, I manage to start it.

Go to the mechanic. Just another thing to add to my never-ending to-do list.

The soft country music fills the cabin as I drive to Kate and Emmett’s place. Their house is lit up when I park in front of it some ten minutes later behind an unfamiliar black SUV.

Did their college friends arrive already? I was pretty sure Kate said they were coming a couple of days before the ceremony.

Unbuckling my seatbelt, I go toward the door and ring the bell. It echoes inside the house for a moment, but soon enough, I can hear the footsteps moving closer.

“You look like crap,” I say the moment the door opens, and I’m met with Kate’s pale face. Her blue eyes look tired, and the dark bags underneath are even more prominent against her ivory skin.

Kate tucks a strand of her dark hair that fell out of the messy bun behind her ear. “Don’t you start with this too.”

“Start with what?” I walk past her and down the hallway. “Why aren’t you resting?”

“Start nagging. Emmett’s been coming home to check on me five times a day, and if he’s not here, he keeps texting. And thenthere is Mrs. Santiago and even Aunt Mabel was here, and then Dad stopped by earlier today also. My house is starting to feel like an airport.”

“Because you have people who care and are worried about you.”

“I know, and I feel guilty even saying it.” Kate lets out a sigh. “But if one more person comes and brings something to eat, I’ll have nowhere to put it.”