
“I’m here for the cake tasting,” I repeat, rolling my shoulders. I could feel that twitch of pain stabbing through my shoulder. Or maybe it was the tension building inside of me. “Emmett asked me to come. He and Kate were supposed to do it, but she’s not feeling well.”

“Emmett…” She lets out a long breath, and I can see her nostrils flaring slightly. It takes me all of two seconds to connect the dots. “But you knew that.”

“Of course I know that. Because Kate called me this morning and askedmeto come and take care of the cake stuff! Something Emmett is well aware of.”

That mother fucker.

I should have known he had something up his sleeve when he asked me to do this. There was just something about the way he asked the question. I didn’t think too much about it at the time because I was looking for an excuse to stay out of my parent’s place, but thinking back now…

“Huh,” I say slowly, feeling the corner of my lips tilting upward. “So, I guess we’re both here for the cake tasting.”

“Both…” Those big eyes widen even further, color slowly making its way up her neck.

I know I should probably be as pissed at Emmett as she was. The asshole did this on purpose. He was playing with fire by pushing us together, and he knew it. But I couldn’t deny a part of me was glad for it. If for nothing else, it was worth it for the look of complete outrage on her face.

I raise my brows at her. “Yes?”

“That’s not ne—”

Before she can finish, Mrs. Wilsoncomes into the room.

“Hey, Becky, it’s so nice to see you.” The older woman wipes her hands on the towel as she glances from Becky to me and back, curiosity clearly written on her face. “Miguel, well, what a surprise.”

“More like a nuisance,” Becky mutters to herself, but nobody misses her quiet jab.

Deciding to ignore it, I turn to Mrs. Wilson and give her my most charming smile as I extend my hand. “Mrs. Wilson, it’s so nice to see you again. You look just like you did before I left.”

Becky makes a gagging sound as Mrs. Wilson blushes, waving me off.

“Oh, please! I guess some things never change. You’re still the same charmer you were four years ago.”

I let out a small chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck. “I’d love to think I grew up a little in the last few years.”

The woman gives me a once-over. “Well, you certainly did that.”

Becky lets out an irritated sound. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but can we focus on the task at hand? Some of us have to get back to work.”

Mrs. Wilson turns her attention to Becky. “Of course, honey. I’m sure you’re really busy. C’mon, let’s sit down, and we can get to tasting.” She turns around and goes to the table in the corner, glancing over her shoulder as she walks. “Lisa told me about Kate. I have every—”

Turning on her heels, Becky marches after Mrs. Wilson. I tune them out as my eyes scan her from head to toe. The swing of dark red hair falling down her back, the seductive sway of her hips with every step she takes, the way those cutoff shorts hug her ass like they were made for her.

Get a grip, dude,I chastise, running my hand over my scruffy jaw.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I follow afterthe women. My hand falls on the back of the chair, only to collide with hers. Rebecca looks up, those big, round eyes meeting mine. Up close like this, I could see the mix of different colors in her irises. The moss green, mixing with brown, and a few specks of gold sprinkled in between. The dark, long lashes surrounding them.

“What are you doing?”

“Tasting cake?”

Her teeth grind together. “I told you already. I don’t need you here. I can do this myself.”

Oh, I didn’t doubt it for a second. Nobody could accuse Rebecca Williams of being incompetent. But this wasn’t about that.

It was about her wanting to establish control.

Her wanting to chase me away.