Miguel being back in Bluebonnet was very real, and I didn’t know what to do about it.

I wanted to ignore him, but I knew what he said was true. Two people can avoid each other for only so long in a town the size of Bluebonnet Creek, and if the last couple of days were any indication, we were all out of luck.

Groaning, I turn around and bury my head into the pillow, letting it swallow my scream in frustration.


Just why did he have to come back?

Seeing him brought back all the memories that I thought were long forgotten. All the feelings that I safely stored away: the betrayal, the frustration, the pain, the…

And why did he want totalk?

After all this time, he thought now was the time to do a recap of what happened all those years ago?

Screw this.


Pushing the covers back, I roll out of my bed and slip into my flip-flops as I grab the scrunchie off the nightstand. Quickly,I pile my hair in a messy knot on top of my head before I stop in the bathroom and splash some cold water over my face.

Looking up, I face my reflection in the mirror. My skin is pale, with dark circles visible underneath my eyes. The combination makes the freckles over the bridge of my nose stand out more than usual.

Grabbing the towel, I wipe my face before descending the stairs. The downstairs is eerily quiet as I make my way to the back of the house.


I need coffee if I want to get anything done today.

The floorboard creaks as I step inside the kitchen, reminding me for the hundredth time that I should have somebody take a look at it.

It’s just one of the gazillion things on my to-do list.

One thing at a time.

The tall frame next to the stove catches my attention.

“Goo—” I look up just as my brother turns around abruptly, wide green eyes meeting mine as he lifts the spatula as if it were a weapon.

My heart skips as I come to a standstill and raise my palms in the air so he can see them clearly. “Hey, it’s just me, Becky,” I say softly, hoping to reassure him.

There is a split second when Chase stands completely still. I hold my breath as I observe him silently. His chest rises and falls rapidly, and I can see the beads of sweat covering his forehead. His fingers are wrapped so tightly around the spatula that I’m surprised he hasn’t broken it in two.

The whole interaction lasts just a few seconds, but it feels like a lifetime before Chase blinks his eyes, his gaze coming into focus and giving me back my big brother.

Or what was left of him anyway.

“Becky.” He lets out a shaky breath. I watch as he wills hisfingers to relax, and he gently lowers his hand, his free one rising to run over his face and through his messy hair. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people like that.”

I don’t bother pointing out that I didn’t sneak up on him.

I knew better than that.

Chase entered the army the moment he turned eighteen. Our family was struggling financially, and Mom was still dealing with depression, even though it had been years since Dad died.

A heartbeat, that’s all it took, one rash decision and our family was wrecked. Dad was gone, and a part of Mom left with him. Chase, as the oldest of the three of us, felt responsible. Like he had to be the head of the family. I tried to convince him we’d find a different way, but he just kissed me on the forehead and told me everything would be alright as he walked away.

He lied.