Earlier this spring, the café was extremely busy, so she offered to jump in. And while I wasn’t one to give up control easily, the café has grown recently. Add to it all the wedding craziness that I knew was coming my way, and I had to admit to myself that I couldn’t do it all on my own. But with everything going on right now, I was more grateful than ever for her help.

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I go to the sink and wash my hands before grabbing two trays of fresh goodies and going up front.

Jessica wasn’t lying. Quite a few tables were occupied, and there was a line of customers waiting to be served.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Jessica asks again as I finish putting the cookies in place.

If the situation were different, I might have asked her to stay, but I overheard her the other day talking with one of her friends about going shopping.

“Yup, you go. Have fun.”

Jessica nods, taking off her apron before ducking from behind the counter. I turn toward my next customer, only to realize it’s Nico. He’s dressed in his police uniform, his fingers looped through the belt hoops on his pants.

He takes me in for a moment before a small smile slowly appears on his face. “Busy day?”

“Apparently, everybody’s craving coffee today.”

Nico looks around the café, spotting a few people giving us curious looks. “Mhmm… I’m not sure coffee’s the only thing they’re interested in.”

“Well, the coffee is the only thing they’re gonna get. What can I get’cha, officer?”

“Two black coffees and…” He glances at the display, his face lighting up. “Are those peanut butter cookies?”

“Sure are. I just baked them, too.”

Nico groans softly. “Damn, Becs. You’re killing me here. Okay, gimmie a dozen of those, too.”

“A dozen?” I grab a box and tongs and start packing his order. “Please tell me you’re not planning to eat them all on your own.”

“I wish. The last time I brought them to the station, I had to fight with everybody in order to haveone, so I figured I’d better be safe than sorry this time around.”

“That’s so nice of you.” Closing the lid on the box, I place it next to the register before starting on the coffees. “You done for today?”

Nico snorts. “In some eight more hours or so. I figured some good coffee couldn’t hurt.”

The corner of my mouth curls upward at the compliment. I worked my ass off to build this café from nothing, and I was happy and proud people of Bluebonnet wanted to support it. “Thanks.” I put the two coffees on the counter next to the box with the cookies. “That will be…”

Before I can turn to the register, Nico’s hand covers mine, his voice dropping lower so only I can hear him. “How are you doing?”

Blinking, I look up from our joined hands into his brown eyes, some of the happiness I felt only a moment ago fading. “I’m fine.”

“You ran out of The Hut so quickly yesterday. I was worried about you.”

“Don’t you start too. There is nothing to—”

The bell above the door chimes just in time to save me. I turn toward the door, but it’s like I’ve been hit by a semi-truck.

This can’t be happening.

But it is.

Because that’s just my luck.

My palms turn clammy, my heartbeat thundering inside my chest so loudly I can hear it echo in my eardrums, dulling out all the other sounds.

Because he’s here.

Miguel Luis Fernandez.