My fingers itch to curl, but I force myself to sit still. “What?”

“Was it worth it?”

I didn’t have to ask him to explain what he meant. I knew it. I knew him. Emmett would never put his career in front of hisfamily, in front of the person he loves, but I wasn’t my best friend. My family hated me for the path I took. The woman I loved walked away from me without giving me a shot, so was it worth it? It had to be. Because my dream was the only thing I had left.

I run my hand through my hair, letting out a humorless chuckle. “I’m playing in the freaking NFL, what do you think?”

I expect Emmett to laugh with me, but he’s quiet, his face completely serious. “I think that’s not the answer.”

“Well, it’s the truth.” I let my hand drop on the table. “I’m living my dream.”

All alone. In a place that’s not my home. Away from the people that were once my family.

“I’m playing the game I love at the highest level possible and earning a shit ton of money while doing so. All the things you could have had too, if you wanted them.”

“Maybe I could have, but that was never my road to take.” He shakes his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I want you to be happy, Miguel…”

“I am happy, dammit.”

“Okay. I’m glad to hear that. I just worry about you, that’s all.”

“No need for any of you to worry. I’m fine.” I roll my shoulders back, feeling that familiar twitch.

Emmett notices it, too, because he tips his chin in my direction as he extends his fork and grabs the piece of sausage I cut. “How’s that arm doing?”

I watch as he chews slowly, willing myself to relax. “Still working on it, but it’ll be like new by the beginning of summer camp.”

“It better be. You guys were so close to winning that damn trophy, and your first season, no less. I’m proud of you, man.”

“Thanks.It was a hard year.”

“People giving you trouble?”

“No, nothing like that. The team is okay, and we’ve been working well. I think they have a good mix of newbies and senior players, which definitely helped.”

“Makes sense,” Emmett nods his head. “Having a good team is always the key. By the way, the food tastes okay. I think you’re safe from any laxatives.”

I look skeptically at my plate. “Only time will tell.”

“I guess you’re right about that.”

Still, I pick up my fork and dig into the scrambled eggs. Emmett was right; they tasted good. Better than good, really. And since I barely touched my food this morning after the interaction with Dad, I was starving.

It’s just a couple of weeks. You can do it.

“Anything you need me to help with for the wedding? We doing a bachelor’s party? I’m pretty sure I could book us a trip to Vegas and…”

“No Vegas.” Emmett shakes his head. “I figured we’ll just throw a party at the lake. Like in the good old days, only this time, some of my college friends will also be joining us. But you can bring out the booze if you really want to help. Apart from that, everything is pretty much settled. Dad and I are still working on the arch for the ceremony, but that should be done this week, too.”


“Yeah, Kate saw this wooden arch on Pinterest or some shit, and she thought it looked nice.” He shrugs. “So I talked to Dad and Bradley, and we decided to build it.”

Of course he did.

“Well, if you need any help, let me know. I feel like I’ll go out of my mind here if I keep sitting still.”

“If you need work, there’s always something that needs to bedone around here. Or are you too big of a star now to work on a ranch?”