“Some days I feel that old.” He tips his chin in my direction. “What brings you here?”

His question brings Mark back to the forefront of my mind, and the anger that’s been simmering under the surface of hurt comes back swinging.

“Lying, cheatingex-boyfriend,” I grit through my clenched teeth.

That’s better, though. Because if I focused on Mark, I could forget the empty hollow losing Grams left inside of me.

“Huh, so I guess we’re the same.”

It takes me a moment to register his words. My head whips in the direction of the gorgeous stranger, my mouth falling open. “What?”

“Today, I signed two of the most important documents in my life. Including finalizing the divorce from my lying, cheatingex-wife.”

Wife?He was married? Scratch that, she cheated on him? Was she nuts? Why would somebody cheat on a man likethat? If I was coming home to that man every night, I couldn’t imagine myself even glancing at another guy, much less cheating on him.

He lifts his glass before he downs his drink in one go. Contrary to me, he doesn’t seem the least bit affected by it.

My throat bobs as I swallow, following his lead.

He waves at the bartender for another round. Once our glasses are filled, he clinks it against mine. “To better luck in love?”

I let out a strangled laugh, running my fingers through my hair. “Yeah, I think not. I’ve had my fair share of it, and I’m officially done with love. Hell, I’m done withmen.”

His brow quirks up. “That bad?”

I can feel his gaze roam over my face, taking in every little detail. I shift in my seat, suddenly self-conscious under his sharp eyes that don’t seem to miss anything. Only in the process does my knee bump against his, and a jolt of electricity shoots through my body at the small touch.

He must feel it, too, because I can see his pupils dilate.

He lifts his glass to his mouth, not once breaking the contact between us as he takes a slow pull of his drink.

My gaze falls to his mouth. One amber droplet clinging to that full lip. His tongue darts out, and I can feel my heart start to race inside my chest.

“We’re closing in fifteen,” the bartender says as he grabs our glasses, breaking us out of our staring contest.

I look down, a strand of hair slipping from behind my ear like a shield. “Well, that’s a bummer.”

Taking my bag from the table, I push to my feet. My belly feels warm from all the drinks I had. In hindsight, it might not have been the best idea to drink so much because I still had a good hour’s drive in front of me before I got back home.

Home to my empty house and my memories of Grams.

The stranger gets up, too, and stops in front of me.

I tilt my head back to find him watching me quietly. Those light irises have grown darker, the shade of the sky just before the storm hits.

My stomach twists, warmth spreading through me, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the alcohol and everything to do with this man standing in front of me.

He lifts his hand, and I suck in a breath, bracing for the contact. His fingers gently brush a strand of my hair behind my ear as his gaze falls on my mouth. His jaw works as he just watches me, and my thighs clench together as the need pulses through me.

“You want to get out of here?” he asks in that gruff voice that makes goosebumps rise on my skin.

My heart starts beating faster, my tongue darting out to slide over my lower lip.

He can’t mean…

But he does.

Oh, how he does.