At least for the time being.

Miguel’s teammates were nice. They told us stories of Miguel with the team and made jokes the whole evening as we finished dinner. Then everybody helped clear out the table before they went back to the living room to watch the football game.

Like seriously, not only did theyplayin a football game, but they had to watch it too.

Arms slip around my waist, and I’m pulled into a firm chest as Miguel leans his head against my shoulder, his lips pressing against the side of my neck. He hums quietly, his chest rumbling in pleasure, as his hold on me tightens. “Let’s go out.”

I look over his shoulder. “Now?”

“Yes, now. C’mon, Red. We don’t have much time.”

He was right about that one. He has to be back in Austin tomorrow morning for practice, and after that, the team was going on the road, so we wouldn’t be able to see each other until they came back.

Wiping my palms, I put the towel on the counter. “Okay, let’s go.”

Miguel slides his arms over my stomach and to my hips before he takes my hand, our fingers interlocking as he pulls me toward the back door.

“Where are the guys?” I ask once we get out.

“They left a little while ago.”

I nod my head. “Blake’s kids are nice. Levi and Gage seemed to be having a good time.”

“That’s good. Blake’s been adamant that he’s retiring after this year, and he’s been asking about the housing situation and schools and whatnot.”

“Blake is planning to move here?” My brows shoot up as Miguel leads me through the trees. “As in, to Bluebonnet?”

Miguel shrugs. “That’s what he’s talking about. He thinks the boys need a fresh start after everything that had happened with their mother.”

I look up to find him scowling.

“What’s up with that look?”

Miguel shakes his head. “I’ll tell you later. Now, I want to focus on us.”

We walk the rest of the way until he comes to a stop in front of the treehouse. “C’mon, Red. Climb up.”

I look over my shoulder as I grab the stairs. “You just want to look at my ass.”

Miguel flashes me a grin. “It’s one sweet ass.”

Laughing, I start climbing until I spot a light peeking from the inside. “What the…”

I climb the rest of the way, and sure enough, the blankets are spread over the floor, a bottle of wine and two glasses sitting in the corner, and twinkling lights blink happily from the walls.

“What is all of this?” I ask as Miguel joins me.

“A surprise.”

“When did you have time to do all of this?”

For all I knew, he didn’t leave the house since we got here.

The corner of his mouth twitches upward. “I might have had a little help. I wanted to reincarnate the last time we were here. Give this place a happy memory.”


He cups my face, his thumb skimming over my cheekbone. “You know how much I love you, right?”