“That you did. Although, you were responsible for that game-tying touchdown, I couldn’t help but notice that your game has been off lately. Does this have anything to do with your injury from the end of last season?”


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he asked that, but I didn’t want anybody to question if I was healthy or not.

“No, my injury has healed completely. The beginning of the season is always hectic as everybody tries to find their footing. That being said, I’m more determined than ever to work hard and make this season even better than the last one.”

“That touchdown was definitely a good start. We’re looking forward to seeing more of you as the season progresses.”

The guy wraps the interview, and we shake hands.

I turn around, ready to find my escape when, for the second time tonight, I spot a flash of red. The hair at my nape prickles at attention as an invisible force makes me stop in my tracks. A couple of players walk toward the tunnel, and that’s when I see her.

Rebecca’s eyes widen when she spots me, and she comes to an abrupt stop. Her hair is a wild mess from running, her chest rises and falls rapidly as she sucks in big gulps of air.

I blink a few times, thinking I’m imagining it, but no.

She’s here.

In Austin.

At the stadium.

On the freaking football field.

Dressed in Lonestars’ jersey.

MyLonestars’ jersey.

“Rebecca, what…”

She lets out a long breath as she closes the distance between us, a determined look crossing her face.

“I love you too,” she says loud enough for the people around us to hear it. Somebody whistles, but she ignores them, her complete attention on me. “I’m so sorry that I let you walk away without saying those words back to you, Miguel. I’m so sorry that I told you to leave, period. I tried to convince myself it would be easier for me to push you away because then, you were leaving on my terms, and I wouldn’t have to wonder when and how it would happen.

“I wouldn’t leave you.”

She shakes her head. “Everybody I love leaves, Miguel. Everybody I love is taken away from me, and there is always that fear inside of me that you’d leave too. Then, I’d be left more broken than I already was, and I couldn’t take that. So I pushed you away. I thought I could go back to my life like it used to be, but since you left, I realized that it’s an empty life, and I hate it. I hate that I can’t call you and talk to you. I hate that I won’t get a chance to kiss you or wake by your side. I miss you. I miss my best friend. I miss my lover. When you walked away, you took a part of me, and I feel hollow without you by my side. So I came to ask you to forgive me and give us another chance. I came to ask you to stay.”

I just stare at her for a while. Her throat bobs as she swallows, her fingers clenching and unclenching by her side with nerves.

God, she looked beautiful.

And mine.


Rebecca blinks, uncertainty flashing on her face. “Good?”

“Yeah, good.”

Without missing a beat, I take a step closer and grab her face between my palms, pressing my mouth against hers. The kiss is hard. I can hear her sharp intake of breath as my mouth crashes against hers in a long kiss. I gently nibble at her lower lip, my hand sliding to the small of her back and pulling her closer to me.

If my pads are digging into her, she doesn’t protest. Her arms slip around my neck as her tongue meets mine, making me groan softly.

Hoots and hollers break through the haze that’s Rebecca, reminding me we’re still on the field and there are people all around us.

With one gentle swipe of my mouth over hers, I pull back breaking the kiss.