Grabbing a to-go cup, I put it under the coffee machine and start it. “We can’t have our law-and-order officers going around without coffee all night long.”

Nico chuckles, “Definitely not. So what’s up with you? We haven’t seen each other since the party at Santiago’s.”

“Haven’t we?”

I knew that he couldn’t come to the wedding because he had to work the next day, but he must have come to the shop.

“Nope. Jessica is usually the one here when I come. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’re avoiding me.”

“No, of course not. I’ve just been really busy with everything, and Mom’s been getting worse. We decided to put her in an assisted living facility, so I needed to get all the paperwork in order, and pack her things.”

The coffee machine beeps so I grab his cup, placing a lid on it before I put it on the counter.

Nico places his hand on mine, giving me a soft squeeze. “I’m so sorry, Becky.”

“Me too. Today was a good day, though, so I got to chat a little bit with her.”

Don’t hold back, Rebecca. Don’t let the fear of losing the people you love stop you from living your life fully.

“Hey…” Nico lifts his hand, cupping my face. “Are you ok—”

His thumb skims over my cheek as his worried eyes meet mine.

“I…” I pull back instantly, my heart galloping against my ribcage. “I’m sorry, Nico. I…”

His hand falls, and Nico just stares at me for a moment before a sad smile spreads over his face. “You’re still in love with him.”

“I am,” I admit softly.

I don’t think I ever stopped loving him to begin with.

My throat bobs as I swallow. “I really am sorry, Nico.”

Nico shakes his head. “Don’t be. Deep down I knew that, but I had hoped.” Another shake. “It doesn’t even matter.”

Taking a step back, he pulls out his wallet and places a five on the counter. “For coffee.”

He starts to turn around.

“I know you probably don’t want to hear this…” He stops just shy of the door, his back stiff. My tongue darts out. “I really do appreciate your friendship, Nico. I always have.”

The silence stretches between us for so long I think he’ll leave without saying anything, but then he surprises me by glancing over his shoulder. “Go to him, Becky.”


“Go to him. He’s been playing like shit, and we both know that when he plays like shit, there is only one reason for it. You. There was nothing that could ever unnerve that man quite like you could.”

I let out a strangled sound. “Was that supposed to be a compliment?”

“Go to him.”

With that, he walks out of the café, the door closing softly behind him. I lean against the counter, my fingers curling around the hardwood as I let out a shaky breath.

Could I actually do it?

Could I go to him and ask him to give us a chance?

What would happen if we didn’t succeed?