“You can alwaystry,” I point out, unable to hide my smirk.

For all his trash-talking, we were pretty evenly matched. I might have been a tad faster, but all the years in the league taught Blake a thing or two about being calculated, which put us on an even playing field.

“Oh, trust me, the moment you’re back, I’ll show you just how wrong you are.” There’s a beat of silence. “How is being back home?”

This morning’s interaction flashes in my mind. “It’s… home.”

I didn’t like talking about my family, but Blake was with me when Emmett invited me to the wedding. He didn’t understand my reluctance, which, in hindsight, he’s right about. My best friend is getting married, and I should be thrilled about it. So I told him how and why I left. It was hard to explain our dynamic to people. While most parents would be delighted to find out their son was playing professionally, my dad thinks I’m wasting my time playing a game and acting like an immature kid, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

“That good, huh?”

“Yeah,” I mutter, my fingers tightening around the steering wheel as more houses appear in my line of sight.

“When’s the wedding again?”

“Two weeks. After that’s done, I’m out of here.”

I had PT to finish so I could get cleared to join my teammates for the next season. Oh, hell, maybe I’ll even go on vacation. After this, God knows I deserve it.

“You never know. A lot can change in two weeks.”

I shake my head, although I know he can’t see me. “Nothing that will make me stay.”

I loved my life back in Austin. I was happy there doing what I was meant to do, but more than that, I wasn’t planning on staying somewhere I wasn’t wanted.

By more than one person.

Because even if by some miracle my dad changes his mind, there is stillher.

And she most definitely doesn’t want to see me here.

Her running away yesterday like the devil’s at her heels is a testament to that.

“If you say so…”

“Trust me, the last thing people here want is for me to stay. I’m here for the wedding, and that’s it.”

Turning onto the main street, the diner comes into view, the faded old sign illuminated by the bright late-morning sun.

“And on that note, I’m outta here. I’m meeting the groom as we speak.”

“Good luck, man. Talk soon.”

With a goodbye, I hang up the call and pull into the parking lot. The place is filled with trucks, so I look around for an open space when I spot a dusty white pickup. My best friend’s leaning against it, his arms crossed over his chest. He replaced his once trusty ball cap for a Stetson, the brim throwing shade over his face and keeping it hidden from view.

Pulling the truck into the open spot next to him, I kill the engine and slide out.

Emmett pushes from the truck and comes to meet me.

“Hey, man, long time n—”

The words die on my tongue as his fist connects to my gut, making me double over.

“Fuck,” I hiss, my hands covering my middle as the painspreads through me. Looking up, I glare at him. “What the hell was that for?”

“I promised I’d make you pay if you made her cry, or did you forget that?”

I don’t bother asking him to explain. We both know who theherhe’s talking about is. The warning he gave me all those years ago.