“Mom,” I try again, but she slaps my hand away.

Instinctively, I pull it to my chest, the sting of her hit burning my skin.

“I’m not eating until Jackson comes home.”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Fighting with her won’t help appease the situation.

“You remember that Jackson said he’s coming home late. He wouldn’t want you to stay hu—”

“Don’t placate me, Gigi!” Mom glares at me. “I know what you’re trying to do! I’m not stupid. And I’m telling you right now, it won’t work.”

“I didn’t say you’re…”

“You did! Why are you always like this? Jackson told me he’s coming so hewillcome. Myhusbandloves me. He wouldn’t leave me hanging. He isn’t like one of those losers you usually date.” Her lips part as if something just occurred to her. “Is that it? Are you jealous? Are you trying to sabotage my marriage?”

I open my mouth to protest, but she’s faster.

“You are.” She points her finger at me. She’s so thin I can see the bones peeking from under her skin. “You always tell me he’s not coming, but he is. I know he is.”

“That’s not it.” I shake my head. “I told you earlier. Jackson called, and said he’s working late.”

“Liar! He wouldn’t do that. He always makes it home for dinner.”

So much for calming her down.

“I know, but this time—”

“You’re lying! Why are you being so hurtful, Gigi? Are you jealous that I’m waiting for my husband so we can have a dinner date when your boyfriend left you?”

Each word of hers is like a punch to my gut. Rationally, I know she isn’t aware of what she’s saying, and she probably doesn’t mean it that way. She’s just angry and frustrated, but that doesn’t make her words hurt any less.

“Why did he leave you this time? It’s always something with you. Maybe if you tried harder, he’d have stayed. Ever thought of that?”


My throat bobs as I swallow, trying to come up with the right words to say.

“What’s going on here?”

Mom looks over my shoulder, a beaming smile appearing on her lips. “Jackson!”

She rushes toward my brother and throws her arms aroundhis neck. Chase stiffens at the sudden contact and turns his head to the side. “I knew you’d come. Gigi tried to convince me that you wouldn’t, but I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me.” She turns to me, a smug smile on her face. “Didn’t I tell you, Gigi? Jackson loves me. He’d never go back on his promise. He’d never leave me.”

Tears fill my eyes as my brother’s gaze meets mine.

No, Dad would never have left her. Not if he had a choice, that is. But he didn’t. And she doesn’t remember it.

She doesn’t remember any of it.

Spinning on my heels, I push the back door open and get the hell out. I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to stop the tears from falling.

I hate this.

I hate this so fucking bad.

But there was nothing that I could do about it.

I couldn’t yell or scream or do anything really. She wouldn’t understand it, and it would only get her even more agitated than she already was, which would just cause more problems.