For me.

He would stay.

“You can’t stay.”

“Why not?”

Because you love football. Because if I asked you to give it up for me, you’d eventually start to resent me, and I couldn’t deal with that.

“Because there is no us!” I lift my hands in exasperation. “That’s what we agreed on, didn’t we? We agreed to have this time together, get some closure after everything that had happened.”

He opens his mouth to protest, but I lift my hand to stop him.

“Don’t do this, Miguel. Not now that our time is running out. We knew exactly what would happen going into this. We knew why, more than ever, that now would never be possible. We’re not Emmett and Kate.” I lift my hand, tracing the line of his jaw.

It should have been us. In another world. In another place. It might have been us too.

God, I’m going to miss him once he’s gone.

Don’t think about it. He’s still here.

For a little while longer.

He’s still here, and he’s mine.

“We don’t have forever, but we have right now. That’s the only thing we can have.”

My thumb slides over his lower lip, and I can feel him suck in a shaky breath.

“I hate this.”

I hate this too, but there is no way out of this. No choice either of us is willing to make, at least.

“Tomorrow is out of our control. So hate it tomorrow,” I whisper, moving closer. Our lips brush together, eyes locking. All the feelings brewing inside my chest are reflected in those dark eyes, and it pains me, but I can’t look away. I refuse to. If tonight is all we can have, I’ll spend what little time I have with him. “But tonight…” My hand slides around his neck, fingers tangling in his soft strands. “Make love to me tonight, Miguel.”

Desperation and need flash in his eyes. They’re the last thing I see before his mouth crashes over mine.

The kiss is fervent. We’re holding onto each other like our lives depend on it, like the other person might slip through our fingers if we don’t hold on hard enough.

But no amount of holding tight will ever be able to stop the inevitable from happening.

Don’t think about that.

Not tonight.

Not when you have this one last time.

I tighten my grip on the back of his head, pulling him closer to me as my tongue finds his. Miguel’s hands slide over my body, those calloused fingers slipping under my shirt and pulling it over my head. We break the kiss just enough for us to rip the clothes off our bodies and fall into the blankets he’s already spread over the floor of the treehouse.

Our safe haven.

Our refuge.


I straddle his lap. His hard length is pressed between my thighs, sucking all the air out of my lungs. Then his mouth devours mine, swallowing any sound that falls off my lips. I roll my hips as his tongue tangles with mine, his hot skin burning me with every touch, sending shivers down my spine.

“M-Miguel,” I breathe as his mouth moves to my jaw. His teeth scrape down my neck, a couple of days old stubble making goosebumps appear on my skin. I rake my hand through thick strands, tugging his head back and exposing his neck. I nibble and suck as his hands shift to my ass, squeezing it tightly and pulling me closer. His cock settles between my lower lips, his tip brushing against my clit.