
Her throat bobs as she swallows. “You’re leaving.”



Nobody is taking my spot because I’ll be there, asshole.

Miguel’s words still ring in my head as I stare at him.

He’s leaving. He’s leaving. He’s leaving.

Those three words roll around my mind on repeat. I’m not sure why I’m so surprised. This was the plan all along. So why does it hurt so much?

Because I didn’t expect it, that’s why.

In the last few weeks, we’ve fallen into a routine of sorts, and nothing except the two of us existed. These little dates, sneaking around any chance we got so we could be together. Talking late into the night.

And I forgot.

I forgot that this whole thing was supposed to be temporary.

Forgot that at the end of this, he’d go back to Austin so he could play football, and I’d stay here.

Tears prickle my eyelids, but I bite the inside of my cheek to stop them from falling.

Stupid girl, you can’t cry. You knew the deal all along. You were the one who proposed it in the first place, and now he’s leaving just like he planned.

I blink a few times, clearing my vision. Miguel is staring at me, the lines on his face hard.

“When?” I ask softly. My fingers are clenched into fists, nails digging into my skin.

He flinches back slightly, a guilty expression crossing his face. “Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” I echo, my voice coming out shaky.

I sink my teeth into my lower lip as I nod.

How can one small word make the earth shatter beneath your feet?

He’s leaving tomorrow.

And then it’ll be over.

Officially over.

No more grudges. No more second chances. No more Miguel.


Miguel’s hand cups my cheek, startling me out of the spiral. Those dark eyes lock onto mine with such intensity and something else, something that looks a lot like pain.

But he couldn’t be in pain.

Because we both knew what the deal here was.

We knew this could only ever be temporary.