I come to a sudden stop as the realization hits me.

He’s not talking about this home.

He’s talking about my place in Austin.

Why would he—

I try to remember what day it is, as Big J continues talking inthe background about some party the guys wanted me to come to, but I’m barely listening.

Kate and Emmett’s wedding was the first weekend in July, and it’s been a… couple of weeks since, then? No, it couldn’t be, could it?

My screen lights up as I pull my phone from my ear, noticing the date in the corner.

July 20th.


“She sure was a great fuck. Seriously, that woman knew how to blow—”

“Not that, asshole,” I run my fingers through my still-damp strands. “I completely forgot what day it was.”

“What do you mean, you forgot? Training camp is starting in a few days! Didn’t you get the e-mail with all the info?”

The e-mail from the Lonestars that landed in my inbox a few days ago, that I swiped away, flashes in my mind. I had the best of intentions of checking it out later, but then other things occupied my mind.


Rebecca occupied my mind.

“I wasn’t really checking my phone.” I rub my hand over my face, feeling the headache brewing behind my temples. “The service is spotty here.”

“Wait, you’re still at your parent’s place? Weren’t you supposed to come back weeks ago?”

“That was the plan.”

A stupid plan. I don’t know how I could have even thought I could just come back, only to leave Bluebonnet without a backward glance. Maybe if Rebecca had moved on and didn’t live here. Maybe…

“Fuck, man. Well, you better get your ass here before Coach decides to give your spot to somebody else.”

“Shut up. He’s not giving my spot away.”

“I don’t know. They brought up that new defensive end from Penn State. I saw a few of his games, and he’s fucking good.”

I grit my teeth. He was riling me up, and it was working.

“Nobody is taking my spot because I’ll be there, asshole.”

The floorboards creak loudly. I whip around, my eyes landing on Rebecca’s pale face.

Time seems to slow down as we just stare at one another.


Through the buzzing in my ears, I can hear Big J clap his hands.

“That’s the spirit. I’ll see you in a few days, Monk. And remember, the last person who gets to training camp has to treat the whole team after the first game of the season.”

The call disconnects without a goodbye, but I don’t have it in me to care because my full attention is on the woman sitting on the other side of the treehouse.