“You have to hit eight targets in order to get a small stuffed animal, ten if you want to win a big one.”

Miguel quirks a brow. “Ladies first?”

“Oh, no, you go on ahead. I think I wanna watch you get a feel for it,” I say, batting my eyelashes innocently.

His gaze narrows slightly, but finally, he shrugs. “It doesn’t matter in which order we play. I’m winning this thing.”

I hum non-committedly as he cracks his fingers before grabbing one of the balls. He tosses it in the air a few times, testing its weight before he shoots. The plate loudly cracks as it shatters, and a few people cheer around us. Miguel glances at me and flashes me a smile. “You were saying?”

“Impressive.” I nod, biting the inside of my cheek as he turns his focus on the panel once again, picking a new ball and shattering another plate. I watch as each ball hits its mark until he grabs the very last one.

“Oh, shit.” Bending down, I make a show of tying my laces when I hear Miguel curse loudly.

Straightening, I look at the last plate standing, and it takes everything in me to keep a straight face.

Miguel’s eyes narrow at me, not missing a beat. “You did this on purpose.”

I bat my eyelashes innocently. “What?”

“You know what.”

Laughing, I pat him on the shoulder, “C’mon, don’t be a sore loser, Fernandez.”

“I’ll give you a sore loser. We’ll see how you play right now.”

“I guess we will.”

With a smile, I hand him my bag before moving toward the counter, where the guy is already placing another set of balls with new plates already rolling on the panel.

I grab one of the balls, letting my fingers curl around it.

“You sure you wanna play?”

I glance at him over my shoulder, “What? Is a big, bad football player afraid he’ll lose?”

Before giving him time to answer, I shift my attention to the panel and throw the first ball. The glass shatters loudly, and somebody whistles. Not letting it deter me, I grab the second ball. The plates start crashing down one by one in quick succession until there are no more left.

Dusting my hands off, I turn around to face Miguel, who’s watching me with wide eyes. “You were saying?”

“You tricked me,” he accuses, but amusement is dancing in his eyes.

“I didn’t. I let you assume. I do have two brothers, you know.”

“You said you hadn’t played in ages.”

“And that’s the truth. Doesn’t mean I don’t know how to throw a ball. I think you owe me, Mr. Fernandez. What shall I collect?”

His pupils dilate, the corner of his mouth curling in a sexy smile as he watches me. “What shall you collect, indeed?”

His intense gaze sends a wave of heat cursing through my body and making the pulse between my thighs intensify with the need to feel his hands on me.

“You can each pick your toys,” the guy says, reminding us that we’re not actually alone.

Breaking my eye contact from Miguel, I turn toward the stuffed animal section, scanning theselection.

“I’ll get that dog over there.”

Miguel’s body brushes against mine as he reaches for it, the older man’s attention turning to me. “And you lady? Want that bear?”