“I guess that makes sense.” She tips her beer in my direction. “How do you feel about him staying?”

Exhilarating, confused, scared.

There were so many emotions swirling inside my stomach at the thought of Miguel. I didn’t know what to make of it. What to make of him or this situation we were in. Was he staying, and if so, for how long? Did he expect us to stick to the plan we originally made? Did I want that?

My body wanted it for sure. It craved him. I yearned the feel of those calloused fingers roaming my body and bringing me pleasure like I’d never experienced before. But my heart was another story entirely. It was screaming at me to stay the hellaway from him because the only thing he could bring us was heartbreak.

“Ladies.” We both turn around at the sound of a low baritone to find a couple ranchers in front of us.

“Would you like to dance?” the guy closest to me asks, flashing me a smile that shows off a dimple in his right cheek. There is interest shining in his blue eyes as he extends his hand toward me expectantly.


I take him in as I try to come up with a way to reject him easily. He was cute; I’d give him that. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a white shirt with two buttons undone, he had a few inches on me, nowhere near Miguel’s towering height.

And here I was again, just a couple of weeks since Miguel came back, and I was comparing every man to him, only to find him lacking.

I was in so much trouble.

“She would love to!” Sav says, nudging me forward.

I turn over my shoulder to glare at her, but she just smiles wickedly. “You said there is nothing going on between you and Miguel, so I don’t see what one little dance could hurt,” she whispers into my ear.

I was so going to kill her.

I tell her exactly that with my gaze before plastering on a pleasant smile and turning to the guy. “One dance.”

I slide my hand into his warm palm, and together, we join the dancers. He turns me around to face him, his hand falling to my hips as he starts to move us together.

Why did it have to be a slow song, of all things?

He leans in so I can hear him over the loud music. “I’m Hardy, by the way.”


“Nice name for a nice girl. You new here, Becky?”

“Hardly,” I chuckle softly. “I was actually born and raised here.”

His brows shoot up. “Really? How come I haven’t seen you here before today, then?”

“I’ve been busy lately.”

“Oh, yeah? What keeps a pretty girl like you so busy?”

Seriously? This is the best he’s got?

“She was busy with the wedding.”

The hair at the back of my neck stands on end at the sound of that deep, gravelly voice.

I’m not the only one who hears it. The guy looks over my shoulder, a trace of irritation showing on his face, but then his eyes slightly widen at the sight of Miguel.

“Sorry, dude.” He lets go of me like I burned him. “I didn’t know she was your girl.”

His girl? He can’t mean…

“I’m not…” I start to protest, but the guy’s already lost in the crowd.